Status of Humanitarian aid to the Syrian People (By Souria AlKarama)

Intro from OTW

On the day their murderous gangs of paramilitia and hijacked regular army murdered 55 Syrians to keep  the thug in  power, the thug Bashar Assad and his co-conspirator and partner in crimes Asma, played humanitarias. A clip  Syrian TV shows the two criminals and their cohort seemingly packaging food supplies to the “victims of terrorism” in Homs. Of course, this has to be accompanied by one of the “Baathist” propaganda empty phrases, (see right corner of the image capture”. The phrase says لبينا النداء ، (we answered the call).

April 18, 2012, the repulsive criminal couple playing humanitarians on the day their gangs murdered 55 Syrians .

The repulsive cynicism of the Assad mafia gang knows no limit. Their forces routinely kill doctors and aid workers with all the telltale signs of an utter contempt for Syria and Syrians as demonstrated by the vengeful sniping of the best of Syrian youth who dare to defy this criminal gang’s intent on the murder and impoverishment of more and more Syrians . And yet, the two criminals go on a vogue photoshoot in a “releif centre” set in  a stadium after they have turned most of  Syria’s  staduims and sport-centers into collective punishment, humiliation and torture facilities.  Their  shamelessness knows no limit.

I have argued in my previous post that the regime, with its murderous “burn the country” campaign has succeeded in occupying a large number of activists with humanitarian relief, which reduces their ability to participate in the political and even military aspects of this revolution. At the same time, the scale of mayhem, and the hate and contempt to Syria  and Syrians shown by this mafia gang and their supporters has made even the slightest of humanitarian relief a heroic political and resistance act*.

I have asked my new friend, Souria Alkarama, who is heavily engaged in relief work in Syria to summarize the status of relief activities. My friend has kindly written the following post, which is being transmitted, un-edited, as I have received it. It is worth noting that many like my friend are working silently on this issue. You may not find them boasting about it, or writing with strong language as we do, but they are in fact among  the real silent, gravely endangered heroes of Syria. The tugs are after them in every corner. I salute them, and ask those who pray to pray for their safety and well being.

Status of Humanitarian aid to the Syrian People
(by Souria AlKarama)

When the Syrian uprising erupted some fifteen months ago, it was called the dignity revolution. Civilians marched to the streets in many parts of the country demanding freedom, dignity and reform. Unlike the other Arab countries that witnessed the so called “Arab Spring”, the Syrian revolution seems to be the bloodiest. The Syrian Regime showed, and still is showing, its ugliest face while cracking down on the protestors using unimaginable ways and tactics. These despicable tactics against the Syrian citizens led some activists to rename the revolution “The Bread Revolution”.

The one tactic this article is going to shed light on is what is called “collective punishment”. The Syrian Authority has continuously used this tactic against the Syrian civilians in those areas of revolts prohibiting medical supplies to many areas of the country such as in Daraa, Hama, Idleb and Homs. It was confirmed that the Syrian ministry of health offices in those cities have stopped distributing renal failure, diabetic, hypertension and asthma medications to those in need. They were turned away and told straight to their face, “let your freedom get your medication” referring to the number one demand of the activists in the street. In the same fashion the Syrian authority stopped supplying many cities and most villages with water, heating oil, cooking gas, and electricity. They went further in selected areas and stopped supplying the flour to make bread. Even garbage collection was put on halt in many areas which will deepen the humanitarian crisis especially in the heat of the summer season.

According to the International Red Cross statement issued last April, “more than 1.5 million Syrians are struggling to meet basic needs like food, water, and shelter. Tens of thousands of civilians are living in public buildings and the Red Cross and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent is feeding about 100,000 so called “vulnerable Syrians”. Add to it more than five million unemployed Syrians. The worst of all this is the confirmed number of orphaned children. In the city of Homs alone after 6 months of military attacks and 6 weeks of random heavy shelling to various neighborhoods, at least 2000 children were confirmed orphaned. The reports coming out of Idleb in the north show that the number of orphaned children is even larger.

Under the ethical and moral pressure of all this suffering, many well-known international charities were able to help with limited capacities inside Syria. Due to the restricted regulations the Syrian Regime imposed on them, they turned to help the Syrian refugees who fled the country to Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. In addition, few Syrian non-governmental organizations were established by expatriate Syrians. These newly formed charity foundations were able to build an underground network of brave and dedicated men and women inside the country to coordinate the smuggling and the distribution of the funds, medical supplies and the humanitarian supplies to those in need.

The cash smuggled is used in several different ways. Part of the money was used to buy the food supply to arrange for what is now called “the food basket”. The food basket contains non perishable items like rice, sugar, pasta, cooking oil, canned food….etc. A detailed list of those families in need is compiled by the activists and then just before dawn the baskets are distributed to the families, one by one. Distribution of such items (food) is very dangerous and can carry unimaginable consequences should the Syrian security forces find out. Many activists lost their lives distributing bread and other kinds of food. These heroes paid the ultimate price so their fellow Syrians could survive. One activist, who distributes food baskets in Duma just outside Damascus, once, said “it is by far much better for a person to be caught demonstrating in the street rather than getting caught distributing food to the people. They (referring to the Security forces) want to starve our people”. Many brave activists lost their lives to a sniper or a bomb shell while distributing humanitarian aids. A physician from the city of Aleppo was shot dead at a check point near the town of Rastan, just north of Homs, because he was caught smuggling medical supplies in his car. A young man from Homs whose job was to distribute bread bags to couple neighborhood was shot dead by the Syrian security as he was attempting to smuggle the bread bags.

They also use the cash smuggled to subsidize the families who lost their breadwinner and to the families of arrested fathers, husbands or brothers. Detailed tables that show the martyrs first and last name, the number of dependents and their ages was created. Also the list include any distant family that maybe living in the same household. In many instances the ID number is used to identify the individuals in each family. Cash is given monthly to the family through an underground and well trusted network.

In addition, cash is used to buy medical equipment which is usually bought from a vendor inside the country. This medical equipment is used to furnish the field hospitals, (another underground network that consist of medical personal who can’t treat the injured in hospitals fearing the death squad who are roaming all hospitals especially in the cities with tense fighting like Homs and Idleb). The violation of medical neutrality and the targeting of doctors, hospitals, medics and ambulances is well documented and verified by many independent organizations such as ‘Physicians for Human Rights’ and ‘Doctors without Borders’. The main question is how much those newly formed “NGO” can do to minimize the magnitude of the crisis and suffering? The answer cannot be answered by simply saying: they can help or they can’t!

The magnitude of the humanitarian catastrophe is tremendous and requires well-funded international organizations backed by the international community to make a measurable difference. At the same time it’s very easy for a beginner humanitarian worker to feel very pessimistic of the outcome. A person needs to put things in perspective. If some things are not done perfectly, that doesn’t mean that we should be discouraged from helping.

On June 5th, 2012 there has been a breakthrough. The Syrian government has said it will let the United Nations enter the country and deliver humanitarian aid to people in need, a U.N. official said Tuesday. “After a long time of very intense negotiations, we now have an agreement in writing with the Syrian government on the scale, scope and modality of humanitarian action in Syria,” John Ging, director of operations at the U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, said in Geneva, Switzerland.

The sacrifice I witnessed in my brief time working with coordinating humanitarian aids to Syria is phenomenal. I bow with humility and pride to the brave Syrian men and women who dedicated their life to help their fellow citizens. These people cannot be defeated. I have witnessed courage equal only to that seen in movies and fairy tales.

By Souria AlKarama
June,  2012


Note from OTW: * Herein, I am reclaiming the word resistance from the Assad mafia and from their partners  such as Hizbullah and other bankrupt defunct nationalist, communist, and fascist parties throughout the region. I am determined on doing so as part of rehabilitating our political language.


  1. Al Karama Revolution is already in full swing. Thanks to the persistence and determination of the noble activists. After reading your post OTW, a friend who just returned from visiting her family in Damascus and whom, neither her nor her parents were supportive of the change, told me, there is a different feeling among the people, they have become kinder, more patient and considerate of one another. People opened their homes to welcome victims and their families from Homs, these families are sharing the little they have, same as when the Lebanese fled the bombing of their towns in 2006. Collectively they want to move forward, negativity has subsided, and full responsibility have taken over. Syrians are reclaiming their country after 50 years! I was assured that all industrialists and well to do are gathering donations to families in need, this was earlier on- a smaller percentage then, but much more now. Humanity in deeds and not in words, silently working and not with strong language as OTW noted, they endanger their lives. A revolution by all means, Thourat al-Karama have entered each home. In light of her accounts and other numerous accounts, the popular uprising and within 14 months have revolutionized each individual.
    The level of brutality that Syrians have endured on the hands of the regime, and the reaction of the so called “civilized world” to savagery on the hands of their pampered blue eyed dictator and his henchmen will have repercussion for a very long time. The world is exposed like never before and on every level.

    From individuals to nations and even words…..

    “Note from OTW: * Herein, I am reclaiming the word resistance from the Assad mafia and from their partners such as Hizbullah and other bankrupt defunct nationalist, communist, and fascist parties throughout the region. I am determined on doing so as part of rehabilitating our political language.”



  2. Only in thouriya al assad: a traitor is anyone who refuses to kill his countrymen


  3. أولئك إخواني فجئني بمثلهم…

    للدكتور : عزمي بشارة ..

    هي لحظة صمود تاريخية تسجل لشعب عظيم أمام قسوة غير مسبوفة لنظام تحميه كذبة “المجتمع الدولي”. لقد رفض هذا النظام اي إصلاح مخيرا حلفائه أن يقبلوه كما هو، أو يمضي إلى الحرب مع شعبه حتى النهاية غير آبه بدمار سورية ككيان، فتخلى عنه كثيرون رفضوا خياره الدموي، واختار حلفاؤه مصالحهم الاستراتيجية مع النظام، وقبلوه كما هو. وبغض النظر عما يفكر فيه بعضهم حول النظام ومساوئه، فقد لحق بهم العار أيضا، لأنهم قبلوا شرطه أن يقفوا معه من دون شروط، وأصبحوا طرفا في حربه على شعبه. و”المجتمع الدولي” فلا يهمه إذا تدمّرت سورية ككيان أصلا، وشقه الإسرائيلي يريدها اصلا ان تستنزف تماما في حرب أهلية.
    أما الشعب في مرحلة الثورة فيرفض هذا الخيار: يرفض أن يأخذه النظام رهينه عدم مبالاته بالنتائج، يأبى أن يأخذه النظام رهينة الخيار الدموي إما العبودية أو الحرب الأهلية. فهذا الخيار ينفع في ردع الناس قبل الثورة، أما وقد اقتحموا بها حواجز الخوف، فلم يعد بإمكان أحد أن يضعهم أمام هذه الخيارات. فهم أيضا ماضون حتى النهاية.

    بهذه الخيارات السياسية الأمنية وبتسليح ميلشياته قاد النظام الشعب الى الدفاع عن نفسه، كشعب مسلح، وقاد البلاد الى الحرب الأهلية. فهو يعتبرها مبرر الاستبداد. ولكن الحرب الأهلية المفروضة من أعلى لا تلغي طبيعة الثورة المنطلقة من القاعدة الشعبية.

    وإذا كانت الشعوب على حق فهذا لا يعني أنها تشكل معسكر الأخيار، ولا أنها إذا تسلحت فإنما تتسلح بالطهارة. في سوريا شعب مسلح حاليا، والشعب يخرج بمناقبه ومثالبه، بآماله العظام وتنوره، وتخلف بعض قطاعاته، وهو يصمد بالتعبئة ضد الاستبداد من أجل الحرية، وبالتعبئة بالتضامنات الأهلية التي تحتضن الناس في محنتهم وتشد من أزرهم، والتي تلوثها الأحقاد من ناحية أخرى. ولن يعالج الجراح واللوثات الطائفية والأهلية على أنواعها سوى وعي الثوار السوريين وإصرارهم على أن الهدف هو إقامة نظام حكم ديمقراطي لمواطني سورية كافة، وتحديد طبيعة المرحلة الانتقالية، من هنا أهمية نشوء قيادات سياسية واعية على المستوى الوطني، وليس المحلي فقط في الداخل السوري. وهي تنشأ باستمرار، فأتون الثورة السورية العظيمة يولد قيادات ميدانية وسياسية من دون توقف.

    ولم يقل أحد أنه ما دام الشعب ثائرا فإن مطامع الدول سوف تتوقف، وأنه لن تحاول كل دولة أن تمرر مصالحها من خلال الاحتراب.
    وقد ينشأ الوضع الذي يقتنع فيه حلفاء النظام أنه لا يمكن إنقاذه، وأنه لا بد من قبول مرحلة انتقالية من دون الأسد، ولو بمجلس عسكري يقود الى انتخابات. ربما يقتنعون أن يتخلوا عنه مقابل ذلك. لكن الشعب السوري سوف يتحرر بفضله هو، حتى لو جاءت مساعدات متأخرة، فسوف يبقى هو صاحب الفضل الأول والأخير. سوف يقدر من تضامنوا معه، ولن يقدر من تخلوا عن النظام لأنه لم يعد بوسعهم إنقاذة، وبعد كل هذا الدم والخراب. ولكن لا أحد يمكنه أن يفرض اي وصاية عل الشعوب السوري في المستقبل. فالحرية كلها ملكه، لقد
    دفع ثمنها بدمه. وسوف يذكر التاريخ صموده في امتحان الايام الحرجة التي يعيشها حاليا في ظل القصف الذي تتلوه غارات العصابات.

    كل من تعز عليه قيم العدالة والحرية وكرامة البشر يمكنه أن يقول عن ثوار سوريا أولئك إخواني فجئني بمثلهم…


  4. Can someone explain to me Annan’s statement, “Iran is part of the solution”, I am not sure why he will refer to `Iran and not to the UN as the only institution that is responsible in protecting lives.


  5. They intercepted a Turkish plane in Syria today,
    Where was the “antiaircraft defences” when a Zionist warplane went all the way to Lattakia and brushed Assad’s hair in his Qurdaha home? He did not cringe…today’s incident is very weird to say the least.


  6. The Turks do not have the same technology as Israel. Also the Turks were not expecting to be shot at and did not take the necessary precautions. Plus, Israel does not fly the F4 Phantom any more. It is a an old plane.


  7. Max Blumenthal discusses his article, “The right to resist is universal: A farewell to Al Akhbar and Assad’s apologists”,
    Zenobia, this is from TheRealNews. Really missed your insights on Syria, knowing that you are busy…


  8. In case you missed Colonel Abdal Fareed Zakaria, defector speaking on AJ.
    He says junior forces are in disarray. He also says more soldiers want to defect, but there are serious risks, and the international community isn’t helping.


  9. p.s. I found the good father Paolo on Rime Allaf’s facebook page, where he is contrasted with this person of the faith


  10. Congratulations to all Egyptians!

    “لا يحاولن أحد التقليل من أهمية التحول التاريخي الذي انجزته مصر، فبالرغم من كل المنغصات والاعلان الدستور المكبل، فإن مصر اليوم دخلت التاريخ”

    They know what is awaiting them and they will continue…democracy is not an on/off switch, freedom and dignity are means to building a true country..democracy will follow..


  11. there is a profound difference between advocating for freedom and advocating for democracy. That Egypt is free to vote Islamist is not a good thing. The current president of Egypt is: SCAF.


  12. The great Syrian writer Zakaria Tamer posted the text below on his FaceBook site last week — I translated it into English:

    Who are you?

    Who is the Syrian?
    The Syrian is an unknown citizen, he did not become famous for having chosen death, prison, endurance to the point of martyrdom and self-abasement that lead to freedom. The Syrian is a citizen living outside Syria and a citizen living within its borders readying himself to leave as soon as he is able, and that which unites Syrians in and outside Syria is a loathing of dictators and their regimes from A to Z.

    The little one is eaten and the big one is eaten

    The great thief devoured many little thieves , and the people exchanged satisfied glances, and they whispered in hushed voices: Justice always comes late, and the big thief will be swallowed up by an even bigger thief, and the biggest thief will be swallowed up by the blood of the martyrs.

    The blind men

    Sheikh Mahmoud told his young pupils to go to the window and to look at the sky from there, so the pupils rushed to the window, and Sheikh Mahmoud asked them:
    “What do you see in the sky?”
    The pupils said “An airplane flying.”
    Sheikh Mahmoud said “You see very well! What else do you see?”
    The pupils said “We see some clouds, and a sun.”
    Then Sheikh Mahmoud said, questioning them insistently: “What else do you see besides the sun, the clouds, and the airplane?”
    So the pupils stared at the sky, and then they said, sure of themselves, “Nothing, besides the sun and the clouds, because the airplane has disappeared.”
    Then Sheikh Mahmoud said to them, in an angry voice: “You are worthless! It is as if I were teaching blind men who notice nothing!”
    And when the little pupils left the school, they walked along the street feeling as if they were blind beggars knocking on all the doors for alms, but no door opened for them, and they looked up at the sky, but they saw nothing but the clouds and the sun.

    What is left

    Each writer is what he writes, and that’s all, neither more nor less, and any other noise he makes has no more value than grains of sand piled onto other grains of sand. Today there are writers who fill the public forums of Syria sighing and moaning about their support for the revolutions, but all that they wrote before the revolution was no more than whispers and suggestions in locked bedrooms where women are preparing to undress, for they wrote nothing and demanded nothing.

    Don’t be timid!

    The writer: I’m going to write about the growing number of beggars, and I will give the reasons for that with an in-depth analysis.
    The pen: Why don’t you write about those men whose timidity keeps them from joining forces with the beggars?


  13. Till this moment the two Turkish pilots whereabouts is unknown, Kojan Iretan and Hussein Akswi. Let us just hope that Turkey will not fall into the traps. The Iraqi/Iranian war in the 80s led to over a million death on both sides. No one benefited except the warmongers of the arm industry. The people on both sides are still suffering. A democratic and strong Turkey is ireful to colonialist disguised as “civilized”..Iraq is totally destroyed. Iranian mullahs are no better than the Shah, they are servants of western powers at expense of their people.
    In Syria, the three heads in one body are traitors before being slaughterers: Makhlouf, Naseef, Assad. They are the executors of Western plots, like Al Saud, Al Khalifa… their interest is to stay put in what they consider their fiefdom. Thinking they can outsmart their masters, they never will….this Dignity Revolution, that was named Arab Spring because of its timing, will sweep eventually all the Arab countries. Goodness will prevail.


  14. The regime in Damascus is pounding areas in the capital with very heavy artillery. Men on both sides are dying because of a moribund regime. A regime that is adamant on using every Syrian for their own survival. We can only hope that a coup from within will happen, and the army will come to their senses and execute those who are giving them orders. This mafia had shattered not only hearts, but dreams of every single Syrian, in and outside the country. I can only hope that their ending will be as heinous as their notorious rule. I hope they will languish in a cage for 42 years, and every Syrian mother and father, brother and sister, will come and view them. Who in his rightful mind can still defend such atrocities, knowing very well what was done to us all during their rule.
    The likes of Camille Otrakji “Syrian”… they are from a bygone era.
    E†hical murderers, like the pen Shabeeha


  15. On his last legs, he warns his appointed mobs, his shabeeha and die hard..
    “We live in a real state of war from all angles…when we are in a war, all policies and all sides and all sectors need to be directed at winning this war.”

    It is only towards the end, they realize that they will end like a stray dog(s), he told them how the West “takes and never gives and this has been proven at every stage”.

    Batta, if it was not for the free Syrians you will be still taking orders and serving your gods by humiliating millions of Syrians inside and outside the country. Promise, we will come and curse you, this time you will be crying and we will be giggling and throwing jokes at you. I bet, the long queues will break world records.


  16. Ian Pannell spent two weeks with some of the groups in the Idlib province, you can watch his first report for BBC, these images are real, they are disturbing to watch as the warning reads, you do not need to imagine their sufferings..nor to see it…. children wounded, their parents cannot take them to hospitals.
    Dr. Bashar the blue eyed doctor who studied in Britain denies the wounded any treatment. Doctors with special needs like Assad should be treated at the Hague or in an asylum together with Bush and Olmert and the rest of the flock. Murderers and their facilitators.


  17. Dear umm nuwâs
    You graced 7ee6an with the fabulous writings of Zakarya Tamer. He has been steadfast sharp critic of this regime. A world master of short stories. Thank you. I must also say, the translation is outstanding.


  18. This is the moment of zenga zenga, beit beit, in the assadist words:“We live in a real state of war from all angles…when we are in a war, all policies and all sides and all sectors need to be directed at winning this war.” , ila’lamam! ila’ lamam to protect him from the Syrian people, by killing and maiming the largest possible number. Their hatred towards everything Syrian knows no limits. This is the small price traitors pay, deservedly.
    May God’s compassion and mercy save humanity from tyranny and greed.


  19. Translating the rambling of the regime’s…in plain Arabic:
    الدكتور عزمي بشارة || قال الرئيس السوري كلاما مفصليا بالأمس. لا إرهاب ولا مظاهرات ولا جماعات مسلحة. قال: “نحن في حالة حرب حقيقية، بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة من معنى، وفي حالة الحرب تنصرف جهودنا لتحقيق الانتصار”. كلام مهم، ويبدو أنه يتصرف مع شعبه على اساسها. وكل ما على الثورة السورية هو أن تتبنى هذه الجمل من طرفها.
    ولن يعتب عليها أحد، بل هذا واجبها، واجب الساعة، ولا طريق آخر أمامها. يجب ان تنصرف جهود الجميع للانتصار في هذه الحرب التي أعلنها الرئيس صراحة بعد ان كان يشنها عمليا. لقد بسط الرئيس السوري الأمور تماما، ولم يترك لها مجال آخر. فإذا كان يريد الانتصار فيما يعتبره حربا، لا يفترض به أن يتوقع أن “الطرف الآخر” يريد “الانهزام”. الفرق أن “الطرف الآخر” وهو الشعب هو الأقوى، وهو القادر على الانتصار، وسوف ينتصر في النهاية.

    د . عزمي بشارة


  20. Today marks the 1st anniversary ‘Yalla irhal ya Bashar’ a revolutionary song that emboldened activists, Ibrahim Qashoush was murdered by batta’s goons. Physically, the late Qashoush is no longer with us…mentally and spiritually he is still empowering the youth all over the country…


  21. ‏@SyrianHurriyat

    سيدي قصفنا كل المحافظات، باقي الجولان… نقصفها؟


  22. أحرار السويداء اليوم يحتلون قلب مدينة السويداء بصرخات الحق و الكرامة و باعلام الثورة ….. كلمات من نور و نار تبدد عتمة الطغيان (غالي غالي غالي الدم السوري غالي ) (الموت و لا المذلة) (الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام) (حمص نحن معاك للموت) انها ليست فقط كلمات و هتافات انها حاضر رائع اراد الامتثال لتاريخ زاخر في سبيل بناء مستقبل زاه


  23. نقلا عن الكاتب حكم البابا:

    تعقيباً على المناحة الطويلة اليوم للفضائية السورية وقناة الدنيا حزناً واستنكاراً لتفجير مبنى الاخبارية السورية، لدي كلمتان، الأولى بخصوص استهداف مؤسسة اعلامية، فهو من حيث المبدأ مدان، ولكن الاخبارية السورية مثلها مثل الفضائية السورية مثل قناة الدنيا مؤسسات أمنية قبل أن تكون اعلامية، فمن يجري المقابلات فيها مع المعتقلين ليعترفوا على أنفسهم بأنهم ارهابيون، يوجه أسئلته لهم باعتباره محققاً، والمعتقلون يخاطبونه بكلمة: سيدي، والتحقيقات تصور في الفروع الأمنية، فضلاً عن أن هذه المؤسسات تتعامل مع طلاب الحرية من السوريين المتظاهرين باعتبارهم ارهابيين، ولذلك فهي مؤسسات أمنية وإن كانت وظيفتها اعلامية، أما بخصوص من قتل في التفجير وهي ملاحظتي الثانية، فأرى قبل أن تتاجروا بدمائهم، أن تتذكروا أن أكبر وأشرس عدو للصحفي السوري هو الأجهزة الأمنية التي كانت ومازالت تستدعيه بسبب مقال كتبه أو تقرير كتب عنه، وأنكم أول من استهدف الصحفيين وحاملي الرأي والقلم ابتداءً من سليم اللوزي إلى سمير قصير وجبران تويني، ولا أزال أذكر اليوم الذي وزعتم فيه السكاكر والشوكولا احتفالاً بمقتل جبران تويني في مبنى التلفزيون السوري، وانتهاءً باستهداف وقتل الصحفيين الأجانب في بابا عمرو، فكفاكم تباكياً وكذباً وتدليساً وضحكاً على اللحى، وأنتم الذين ارتكبتم من المجازر في سورية طولاً وعرضاً، وقتلتم ماقتلتم منهم..


  24. A day in Homs

    If luck is on my side and I manage to survive the shelling, I intend to constantly update you with my story of life under siege.

    I am Rafeeq from the Syrian city of Homs. I used to be a student at the university but became a dropout after the revolution in my country started. While I didn’t get involved in organising anti-regime rallies, I was occupied with helping in field hospitals those injured in the crackdown on protests.

    But as the government started using advanced and heavy weaponry, the injuries became more serious and required complicated surgeries. And because I am not a surgeon, the least I was able to do is to document the suffering of those injured.
    I began exploring photography. It became my new hobby while living under siege. It also became my new purpose. Several of my friends died while taking footage of the shelling and the humanitarian catastrophe in Homs and so I feel I the need to carry out their work.

    While those still alive in Old Homs neighbourhood are slowly dying – due to lack basic living requirements such as food, drinking water and medical supplies – we cannot resign to our fate. We have a duty to carry out what our friends have started.If luck is on my side and I manage to survive the shelling and the sufferings it has brought, I intend to constantly update you with my story of life under siege.


  25. Omar Khayyam (168) “neither servants nor masters”

    In this life, all those who have
    half a piece of bread
    and a resting place
    in which to nest;
    who are neither servants
    nor masters of others–
    let them rejoice,
    for their world is a happy one.

    Translated by Juan Cole
    from Omar Khayyam’s Rubaiyat,


  26. “Only diplomacy can stop the war”

    The terminologies used in describing what is happening in Syria, shows either a lack of understanding, or an intentional show of stupidity. Perhaps both. Seems like the written and spoken media wants to spin realities on what is truly taking place on the ground. Each player has a different SHAMEFUL agenda, far from what the activists aspirations on the ground are. What started as a popular uprising has turned into a popular revolution aiming to topple the regime, from head to bottom. Did any of these think tankers viewed how human beings are treated inside the dungeons of Assadism? The numbers, the conditions…let alone the barbaric methods of torture.. the endless suffering.. I challenge any descent person to put himself in the conditions of these noble activists, only by imagining the suffering and later spin the story to his own agenda…this is called empathy not sympathy…free people do not want anyone’s sympathy.
    When did any movement, or revolution, or idea….garnered 100% in order to be accepted/considered… Hitler and the NAZI party to this day has followers. Republican candidates compete for nomination, to elect one candidate that represents their party, they have different agendas.. unified, unification, full support..are excuses given to help the pampered blue eyed dictator. Less than 50% of Egyptians voted…. so? They elected a leader with 51% small majority of the votes..

    “If you wanted it a war, we welcome it” these were the infamous words of Syria’s Slaughterer. Activists initially wanted reform, the Infamous decided to silence them with heavy was not until defection took place that the activists responded in self-defence, with the help of the Free Syrian Army, that was 6 months later.. while the world was watching a country turned into a slaughterhouse on the hands of one family and an army was founded to protect them, not to defend nor to liberate..the Revolution in Syria continues with or without twisted minds and brewing..

    Syria: Only diplomacy can stop the war
    Outside powers should stop military involvement and support new diplomatic initiative, by Phyllis Bennis. Even she does not get it right….


  27. ملحنا وأهلنا . . . المسيحيون العرب . . لماذا يُظلمون

    علي الصراف

    القول أن المسيحيين العرب “أقلية” ينطوي على خطأ من ثلاث نواح على الأقل، الأول، هو أنه يتجاهل كونهم عرب، والعرب أغلبية في أوطانهم، و”أقلنة” المسيحيين، إنما “تؤقلن” عروبتهم وتسعى إلى تصغيرها (وهذه بالأحرى خطيئة، لا مجرد خطأ)، والثاني، هو أنه يضعهم على هامش التاريخ في المنطقة، وهم الذين ظلوا في قلبه، ولعبوا دورا فكريا رياديا في صنع مشروعنا الحضاري الحديث فيه، والثالث، هو أنه يعزلهم عن الدور السياسي الوطني الذي لعبوه في كل مشروع للتحرر والاستقلال والوحدة عرفته المنطقة، وهم مسيحيون، ولكن هل غلبت “مسيحيتهم” على عروبتهم ووطنيتهم في أي وقت من الأوقات؟ لم يحصل هذا أبدا

    اليوم يمكن أن تجد مسلمين يضعون طائفيتهم فوق وطنيتهم وقوميتهم بل وفوق إسلامهم نفسه، ليكتشفوا أنهم “شيعة” أو “سنة”، ولكن لا يوجد نص ولا سلوك كنسي واحد يضع المسيحية على هذه الأرض فوق وطنيتها وانتمائها القومي، بل أن ثقافة “العيش المشترك” هي الفلسفة الجامعة لكل جهد مسيحي في العالم العربي

    كان يمكن للأمر أن يبلغ ببعض المسيحيين العرب، ومنهم البابا شنودة، إلى حد القول أنه لو “كان الإسلام شرطا للعروبة لصرنا مسلمين”، وكان يمكن لشخصية وطنية كبرى في مصر مثل مكرم عبيد باشا أن يقول عن نفسه “أنا مصري الجنسية، ومسلم الثقافة”، إلا أنه ما كان لأي مسيحي أن يضع ديانته بالتعارض مع قوميته، ولا يوجد أي نص ولا تصريح ولا خطبة ولا موعظة تضع المسيحية خارج إطار الشراكة والتعايش والانتماء للوطن الواحد

    والوقت ما يزال مبكرا على ظهور رجل دين مسلم يملك من الشجاعة والوطنية ما يكفي للقول: “نحن وطنيون كإخوتنا المسيحيين، ولو كانت المسيحية شرطا للوطنية، لصرنا مسيحيين”

    وباستثناء لبنان، وهو استثناء يستحق ما يستثنيه، لأسباب تتعلق بنشأته أصلا، فأن المسيحيين العرب في كل مكان، بمن فيهم اللبنانيون، لم يكونوا في نظر أنفسهم، إلا جزءا من أوطانهم ومدافعين عن قضاياها وحقوقها، أسرع من غيرهم، أحيانا، بيومين، وأكثر تقدما بفرسخين

    وسوى احترام الخصوصيات، والحريات الفردية، والمعاملة بالمثل كمواطنين متساوين، لم يطالب المسيحيون العرب لا بكيان ولا بحقوق خاصة ولا بحصص ولا امتيازات، ولا سعوا إلى إقامة إمارة، ولا طالبوا بوزارة، لماذا؟ لأنهم عرب، ولأنهم كانوا وما يزالون ينظرون إلى أنفسهم، ليس كجزء من هذه القومية فحسب، بل لأنهم في قلبها أيضا، وفي الواقع، وبمقدار ما يتعلق الأمر بالمشروع التحرري القومي من الاستعمارين العثماني والغربي، فقد كان مشروعا لعب فيه المسيحيون العرب دورا متقدما، فكرا وتنظيما، لا يستطيع أن ينكره مسلمو ذلك الدور أنفسهم

    وفي مواجهة هجمة التتريك العثمانية، حفظت أديرتهم كتب التراث العربي، كما لو أنها كانت تحافظ بها على حقها في الوجود، وبنى المسيحيون المدارس والمعاهد لتدريس اللغة العربية، في غير مكان واحد، لأنها كانت صوت ثقافتهم و”تميزهم” القومي الخاص

    وحينما وضع الأتراك قوميتهم فوق ديانتهم، كان المسيحيون العرب هم الذين رفعوا لواء العروبة وهم الذين سارعوا إلى تذكير المسلمين بمكانتهم كـ”خير أمة أخرجت للناس”، وكعرب، فقد كان المسيحيون جزءا من هذه الأمة، وجزءا من خيرها

    وهكذا، فعندما سكن جورج انطونيوس القدس اختار منزلا في جوار منزل الحاج أمين الحسيني في حي “الشيخ جراح”، على طريق جبل الزيتون المشرف على المدينة المقدسة، ليكون قريبا من المعنى الذي يوحد الديانتين، وهناك كتب كتابه الشهير “يقظة العرب”

    وكتب جورج علاف “نهضة العرب”، واليسوعي لويس شيخو “تاريخ الآداب العربية”، وكان عبد الله مراش من بين أوائل الذين حرروا جرائد المهجر العربية كـ”مرآة الأحوال” لرزق الله حسون و”مصر القاهرة” لأديب إسحاق و”الحقوق” لميخائيل عورا، وكان الأخوان بشارة وسليم تقلا هما من أنشأ عام 1876 جريدة “الأهرام” ثم “صدى الأهرام” و”كابدا بسبب الجريدتين عدة مشقات لما نشراه من المقالات الحرة وانتقاد أعمال الحكام والدفاع عن حقوق المصريين” . وكان نقولا بك توما (ولد عام 1853) من أوائل المسيحيين الذين التقوا بأصحاب مشروع النهضة الذي تصدره جمال الدين الأفغاني والشيخ محمد عبده، وكان جميل بك نخله المدور مولعا بالتنقيب عن آداب العرب وتاريخ الأمم الشرقية القديمة، فصنف في حداثته تاريخ بابل وآشور، وعرّب كتاب التاريخ القديم، وكتب كتابه الشهير “حضارة الإسلام في دار السلام” روى فيه ما ورد في تأليف المؤرخين والأدباء عن أحوال المملكة في أيام هارون الرشيد، وكان أول من أشار إلى “أن النصارى شاركوا المسلمين في غزواتهم”، وكان سعيد البستاني (توفي عام 1901) قد تقلب بين مصر وبلاد الشام ليعكف على نشر الآداب العربية، وكان خليل غانم واحدا من أبرز السياسيين الأحرار (ولد 1846) وانتخب نائبا عن سورية لـ”مجلس المبعوثان” عام 1875 وساعد مدحت باشا في وضع قانون الدولة السياسي فكان أحد أركان النهضة الدستورية، وكان رشيد الشرتوني (توفي عام 1906) احد أبرز نخبة الأدباء في عصره، ومن آثاره “مبادئ العربية في الصرف والنحو” مع تمارينه للطلاب في التصريف والأعراب وكتابه “نهج المراسلة ومفتاح القراءة”، وكان نجيب حبيقة الذي انصرف إلى تعليم العربية، ومنها في المدرسة العثمانية للشيخ أحمد عباس الأزهري، قبل أن يتفرغ إلى الكتابة “ساعيا إلى تعزيز الآداب العربية وتأليف قلوب الناشئة في خدمة الوطن”، وكان خليل الخوري (ولد عام 1836) هو أول من فكر في نشر جريدة عربية في بلاد الشام فأبرزها إلى النور سنة 1858 تحت اسم “حديقة الأخبار” وساعد بذلك (حسب وصف لويس شيخو) “على نهضة البلاد العربية”، وكان سليم شحادة (توفي عام 1907) قضى جل حياته القصيرة (48 عاما) في خدمة الآداب وأشترك سنة 1875 مع سليم أفندي الخوري لنشر معجم تاريخي وجغرافي دعواه بـ”آثار الأدهار”، وكان نخلة قلفاط البيروتي (ولد سنة 1851) هو الذي نشر ديوان أبي فراس الحمداني

    ويقول شيخو عن الشيخ إبراهيم اليازجي، “إنه بشهرة اسم والده الشيخ ناصيف وشهرته الشخصية وتأليفه كان من أعظم المساعدين على نهضة الآداب العربية في القطر المصري”

    وهذا اليازجي العظيم كان هو الذي قال:

    تَنَبَّهُـوا وَاسْتَفِيقُـوا أيُّهَا العَـرَبُ

    فقد طَمَى الخَطْبُ حَتَّى غَاصَتِ الرُّكَبُ

    فِيمَ التَّعَلُّـلُ بِالآمَـال تَخْدَعُـكُم

    وَأَنْتُـمُ بَيْنَ رَاحَاتِ القَنَـا سُلـبُ

    اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ مَا هَـذَا المَنَـامُ فَقَـدْ

    شَكَاكُمُ المَهْدُ وَاشْتَاقَتْـكُمُ التُّـرَبُ

    إلى أن يقول:

    بِاللهِ يَا قَوْمَنَـا هُبُّـوا لِشَأْنِـكُمُ

    فَكَمْ تُنَادِيكُمُ الأَشْعَـارُ وَالْخُطَـبُ

    أَلَسْتُمُ مَنْ سَطَوا في الأَرْضِ وَافْتَتَحُوا

    شَرْقَـاً وَغَرْبَـاً وَعَـزّوا أَيْنَمَا ذَهَبُوا

    وَمَنْ أَذّلُّوا الْمُلُوكَ الصِّيدَ فَارْتَعَـدَتْ

    وَزَلْـزَلَ الأَرْضَ مِمَّا تَحْتَهَا الرَّهَـبُ

    وَمَنْ بَنوا لِصُـرُوحِ العِـزِّ أَعْمِـدَةً

    تَهْوِي الصَّوَاعِـقُ عَنْها وَهْيَ تَنْقَلِـبُ . . .

    فَيَا لِقَوْمِي وَمَا قَوْمِـي سِوَى عَرَب

    وَلَنْ يُضَيَّـعَ فِيْهُم ذَلِكَ النَّسَـبُ

    وليس اليازجي إلا واحدا ممن سقوا الأرض بملح العروبة حتى صارت ملحنا وملحهم . ولنا فيهم كثيرون، بالمئات بل بالآلاف، من جبران خليل جبران إلى إيليا أبو ماضي، إلى أمين الريحاني والأخطل الصغير (بشارة الخوري) والشاعر القروي (رشيد سليم الخوري) وخليل مطران واحمد فارس الشدياق ونجيب عازوري ومي زيادة وسلامة موسى، وصولا إلى إدوارد سعيد

    وعدا الفكر والثقافة والأدب، فقد لعب المسيحيون العرب دورا مشهودا، ومتميزا، في كل مجال أبداعي من مجالات الفن أيضا

    أفيجوز أن يُظلموا ويُظلم أبناؤهم في وطنهم؟ وهل بهذا الظلم لا يَظلم المسلمون، بهم، إلا أنفسهم؟

    ولكنهم اليوم يُهجّرون من ديارهم، ويعاملون بتمييز، ويُعزلون، وتوضع على حقوقهم وحرياتهم قيود وشروط، وهناك بيننا (بعض ممن ليس لديهم ضمير ولا ذمة) من ينظر إليهم على أنهم “أهل ذمة”، ليعاملهم كـ”أقلية”

    وهل هم “أقلية”؟

    إذا كان المسيحيون العرب “أقلية”، فأقلية هم طرفة بن العبد وأمرؤ القيس والنابغة الذبياني، وهؤلاء مسيحيون، ولا أدري كيف يمكن أن تكون الثقافةُ العربيةُ عربيةً من دونهم، بل لا أدري أي ثقافة ستكون؟ كما لا أدري أي عرب ولا أي مسلمين سنكون؟

    لقد نصر المسيحيون الأوائل محمدا (ص) عندما كان أهله يحاربونه، وهم حموه وحموا أتباعه، عندما كان أهله يريدون قتله وقتلهم

    وها أن هناك بيننا من يرد لأبنائهم هذا “الدَين”، ظلما وتهجيرا، بل حرقا للكنائس وقتلا لرجال دين، كما هو حاصل في العراق؛ وحرمانا وتمييزا، كما هو حاصل في غير بلد عربي واحد

    ولئن حارب المسيحيون العرب الاستعمار العثماني، باسم القومية العربية، فقد فعلوا الشيء نفسه في وجه الاستعمار الغربي أيضا

    لا دين العثمانيين كان هو القضية في مشروع التحرر القومي، ولا دين الغربيين، القضية كانت، بالنسبة لرواد مشروع النهضة، هي قضية التحرر من الاستعمار والهيمنة الأجنبية، من هذا المنطلق فقط كان قسطنطين زريق وجورج حبش من أوائل الذين أسسوا حركة القوميين العرب، ومن هذا المنطلق نفسه أنجبت حركة النضال من أجل الوحدة القومية وتحرير فلسطين مناضلين، بالآلاف، من قبيل وديع حداد ونايف حواتمة وميشيل عفلق وانطون سعادة ونجاح واكيم وجورج حاوي وصولا إلى البطريرك ميشيل الصباح وأميل حبيبي وحنان عشراوي، ووصولا إلى جوزيف سماحة وسمير قصير

    وإذا كان الملايين منا يحتفون ببطولة الاستشهاديين في مقاومة الغزاة، فقد كان جول جمال أول استشهادي عرفه تاريخ الصراع في المنطقة، وجول جمال مسيحي

    وكان هذا الضابط السوري هو الذي دمر البارجة الفرنسية الضخمة “جان دارك” في حرب السويس عام 1956 باستخدام الطوربيد الذي يقوده لكي يصدم به تلك البارجة، وتقول الوثائق التاريخية حول هذا البطل، أنه سوري من مواليد اللاذقية وكان ضابطا ميكانيكا، وعندما اندلعت حرب السويس بالهجوم الثلاثي (البريطاني-الفرنسي-الإسرائيلي) على مصر عام 1956 لم يستطع، وهو يستمع إلى ما تتعرض له مصر من عدوان، ألا يفعل شيئا، فقرر الالتحاق كمتطوع في سلاح البحرية المصرية، وانضم إلى القتال فورا، وذات يوم والحرب مازالت مستعرة عرف جول جمال أن المدمرة الفرنسية الشهيرة تقترب من بور سعيد، وكانت إحدى أكبر المدمرات في ذلك الزمن ولو وصلت إلى الشاطيء المصري لكان بوسعها أن تلحق دمارا بالمدينة، فذهب إلى قائده جلال الدسوقي في منتصف الليل وترجاه أن يسمح له بأخذ قارب مليء بالمتفجرات ليصدم به تلك البارجة إذا حدث واقتربت بالفعل من شواطئ بور سعيد، وزوده الدسوقي بالقارب، ويقال أنه رافقه في تلك الملحمة، التي أسفرت عن شطر البارجة العملاقة إلى نصفين لتغرق بكل من فيها، وكانت هذه العملية من بين أبرز العمليات التي صنعت النصر في المعركة

    وإلى جانب جول جمال هناك الآلاف ممن لا يُحصون قد سطروا بطولات في أعمال المقاومة والدفاع عن الأوطان في جميع حروبنا ضد المعتدين والغزاة

    ولا أدري كم كان سيبقى من مشروع التحرر من دون هؤلاء، أو أي مشروع سيكون؟

    مسيحيون، نعم، ولكنهم نصروا محمدا (ص) حتى ضد أهله، ونصروا العرب المسلمين ضد المستعمرين حتى عندما كان أولئك المستعمرون مسيحيين

    وتقول أدلة التاريخ أن الغزاة الصليبيين عندما اجتاحوا القدس عام 1099، فأنهم لم يقصروا مذابحهم على المسلمين، بل ذبحوا معهم المسيحيين أيضا

    وهكذا كان الغربيون تجاهنا دائما، أعطيناهم العلوم الأولى فعادوا إلينا بتكنولوجيا القتل والدمار الشامل، أعطيناهم أول قيم العدالة والقانون، فعادوا إلينا بديمقراطية الدبابات، وأعطيناهم المسيحية، فجاؤا إلينا بالحروب الصليبية

    وظلت الـ”كنائس الشرقية”، غريبة ومنبوذة في نظر كنائس الغربيين لا لشيء إلا لأن مسيحييها عرب، وإلا لأن روح المسيحية الأصيلة تكمن فيهم

    والسيد المسيح (عليه السلام) إنما هو مسيحنا نحن أولا، على أي حال، وإن جاء لكل العالمين، هو ابن سمائنا، وهو أبن السيدة مريم آل عمران (عليها وعليهم السلام)، الذين قال فيهم القرآن الكريم: “ان الله اصطفى آدمَ ونوحاً وآل ابراهيم وآل عمران على العالمين” . (آل عمران 32)، و . . “وإذ قالت الملائكةُ يا مريمَ ان الله اصطفاك وطهّرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين” (آل عمران 42)، و . . “قل آمنّا بالله وما أُنزل علينا وما أنزل على إبراهيم واسحق ويعقوب والأسباط وما أوتي موسى وعيسى والنبيون من ربهم لا نفرق بين أحد منهم ونحن له مسلمون” (آل عمران 84)

    ولكن ها نحن نفرق بينهم، ونجازيهم . . بوصفهم “أقلية” . وها أن كنائسهم وأديرتهم لم تعد في مأمن من المضايقات والاعتداءات

    ويقول المطران اندراوس أبونا، “إن أعمال العنف التي تضرب العراق كل يوم من كل ناحية وصوب أدت إلى هجرة نصف مسيحيي العراق”

    وتشير الدلائل إلى أن هجرة المسيحيين العرب الآخرين تحولت إلى ما يشبه ظاهرة نزوح جماعي في العديد من البلدان العربية، تلافيا للمضايقات وأعمال التمييز التي يتعرضون لها

    وبطبيعة الحال، فقد أسهمت الأصوليات الإسلامية (وهي في الغالب أصوليات جهل بالدين والتاريخ معا)، في تحويل أجواء العيش المشترك بين المسلمين والمسيحيين، التي استمرت على مدى 14 قرنا، إلى أجواء يغلب عليها التوتر، فيما تتراوح السياسات الرسمية للكثير من الدول العربية بين متجاهل للمخاطر، مستهين بعواقبها الاجتماعية، وبين متواطئ مع ثقافة التمييز، ومتساهل مع خطاب الجهل الأصولي حيال هذه “الأقلية”

    ولكن فقط أولئك الذين هم “أقليو” عقل وضمير، هم الذين يستطيعون أن يعاملوا المسيحيين العرب كـ”أقلية” برغم أنهم، مثلنا، عرب قبل أن يكونوا مسيحيين، وبرغم أننا، مثلهم، مسيحيين قبل أن نكون مسلمين

    ولكن ماذا يعني مجتمع مسلم من دون مسيحيين؟

    بتغييب المسيحيين عن عروبتهم، لن يبقى لدى العرب إلا الدين، وهذا من دون مسيحيين لن يعود، بمقاييس اليوم، دينا جامعا أبدا، فبدلاً من أن ترتفع التمايزات إلى مصاف الوطن والوطنية، فأن الإسلام، من دون المسيحيين، سينخفض بمصاف تمايزاته ليكون صراعا بين “سنة” و”شيعة” فقط لا غير

    وجود المسيحيين بين المسلمين، كما غيرهم من الطوائف الدينية الأخرى، في بيئة تعايش ومساواة، هو العنصر الاجتماعي الوحيد الذي يمكنه أن يضع التمايزات الطائفية على معيار وطني جامع

    ووجود المسيحيين بين العرب هو وحده الذي يقدمهم كأمة ذات طبيعة قومية لا كمجرد مجموعة دينية، فالأمم الحديثة، حتى وان كان الدين عنصرا حيويا في وجودها، إلا أنها لا تقوم على أساس ديني من دون أن تجد نفسها في حرب مع كل دين، وهذا ليس من الإسلام في شيء

    احموا مسيحييكم، تحموا عروبتكم، بل احموا مسيحييكم، لتحموا دينكم نفسه من التمزق الطائفي

    إنهم ملحنا، وهم منا ونحن منهم، فلماذا يُظلمون؟

    الكثيرون يعتبرون المسيحيين العرب، بالدور التاريخي الذي لعبوه في مشروع النهضة والتحرر، “جسرا” مع الحضارات الإنسانية الأخرى، ولكن هذا الوصف لا يستقيم مع من كانوا جزءا أصيلا من الأساس القومي لهذا المشروع

    اليوم، المسيحيون العرب، هم وحدهم الإسمنت الذي يمكنه أن يحافظ على هذا الأساس من التفتت


  28. The second captured is shaking, did he ever thought of the anguishing pain he inflicted on other humans?


  29. another brigadier general defects:

    thanks so much OTW, translating Zakaria Tamer is a privilege!


  30. Idiot petitions by ignorant pacificists “let the blood flow, just give me rainbows”
    Posted: 06/29/2012 by Mary Rizzo @

    An idiotic petition is circulating, so far luckily with only 99 signatories. But read it and see how it is a textbook example of muddling issues.

    “War is not the answer. Not in Iran. Not in Syria.

    Intervention in Syria only makes matters worse. All sides are committing war crimes, and providing arms only results in more killing.

    The US and all foreign governments should stay out of Syria and let the Syrian people resolve their own political matters in their own way. Our government must keep its arms, funding and troops out of Syria.”

    Mixing issues (such as the “war” against Iran that has been announced as being around the corner for 9 years now, just confounds people and keeps reality hidden. But more sinister are the assumptions made.

    1) No one does want war who is a normal person. Apparently, neither did any protesters who took to the streets as is a right of assembly free people hold dear, and the reactionary regime either forced them into death or capitulation. The more death there was, the less the people remained silent and capitulation became impossible. This is how revolutions at times begin, when a resistance occurs in the face of lack of reforms and when oppression is the answer to dissent.

    2) Who says it makes matters “worse”. Apparently, someone living in California does not seem to think it is bad enough that civilians are massacred, tortured, arrested, infants are slaughtered, towns are shelled to the ground, unconventional weapons are unleashed, water is poisoned and medicine is withheld from the wounded? Refugees are not fleeing their homes and losing their possessions and loved ones? Does he or she ignore the destruction the regime carries out so that it maintains itself in power?

    3) The author puts on equal footing the “war crimes”…. Is this a joke? How can the acts of the deserting soldiers ever be compared to the regular army and the Shabihha? Do they have prisons, tanks, helicopters?

    4) The USA isn’t getting involved, never planned on it, unless finger-wagging and tongue-wagging is involvement. On the other hand, Russia, Iran, Lebanon and China provide material and political support including weapons and mercenaries.

    5) The ultimate smack in the face against people in Syria (though this petition never claimed it cared about them) is that it believes it is possible and preferable to “let the Syrian people resolve their own political matters in their own way.” The naiveté of a statement of the sort is alarming, as if this is a political dispute that does not involve crimes against humanity and genocide. Yes, “let them” sort it out, while we put our blindfolds on, or sign some idiotic petition because peace is nice, rainbows and flowers are better than guns and severed throats of infants.


  31. Souriya Al Karamah

    Syrian Widows: Hungry and homeless, but undefeated!

    Unlike Turkey, Jordan does not have a refugee camp and new arrivals are left to fend for themselves. They escape mostly “through the fence”, too frightened to leave Syria by its official borders. For some this is because their documents were burned when the army torched their homes; for others it is because they are being hunted by the government because someone in their family is, or was, a fighter.

    In Jordan most of the aid they receive comes from Islamic and Christian charities with limited resources. They get boxes of food from one group; another donates mattresses and kitchen sets. But it is not enough, and many wonder where the international NGOs are.


  32. محمد مرسي يخاطب الشعب المصري قائلاً: أنت الأصل. أما بقية الطواغيت فيسألون الشعوب:من أنتم، ويصفونهم بالجراثيم والجرذان والمندسين

    لأول مرة في حياتي أشعر برغبة عارمة بالتصفيق من أعماق قلبي وأنا الآن اشاهد ميدان التحرير.لا بأس لقد احمرت يداي من كثرة التصفيق امام الشاشة

    اول مرة نصفق لرئيس عربي بدون نفاق

    يا الله ما أجملك يا ميدان التحرير يا ميدان الأمة

    عظيمة يا مصر

    الله أكبر: ما أجمل منظر ميدان التحرير في القاهرة في هذه اللحظات المباركة.

    عندما تسخر كل امكانات الدوله لخدمة امن واستقرار النظام فكيف لذلك الشعب ان ينهض ؟

    خطاب الرئيس المصري اليوم نصيحة لكل الزعماء العرب بالرجوع إلى شعوبهم ! فهم السند يوم يتخلى “المساندون ” أصحاب المصالح ؟!؟؟

    The first speech int the Arab world by a democratically elected president: Mohammad Mursi


  33. I love Maysaloon’s last post which contains a good dressing down of Angry Arab (I was one of his devoted fans until the Revolution) ; it is bitchy and very very funny and hits the mark.
    The Angry Arab Golden Blender Awards

    The Angry Arab – whose coverage of Syria is lousy – continues to plumb new depths in his pseudo-analysis of the Syrian revolution. You will remember, of course, his critique of the artistic merit of Syria’s protest chants, saying that those in Egypt were far better. Then he said he didn’t like the lines of Qashoush because that doesn’t count as proper poetry. He has a point, seriously, because – you know -peasant revolutions are so vulgar. And you still want him to support this revolution?
    read on here :


  34. Wish we could correct our posts same as at SC; I would have deleted bitchy and very very funny although maysaloon has a good sense of humour


  35. I loved both pieces by Amal Hanano and Maysaloon, thanks Annie and Umm nuwâs.

    More jaw-boning طق حنك from Annan and the west and a clear restating of the ruusi-suuri position by the spokesman for both entities, by a certain Sergei Lavrov (what a lovely and most lovable man, eh? nearly as loveable as BtB!).


  36. I wonder why all the Brigadier Generals and all the other prominent perosns who defect go straight to Turkey ? They should rather stay in Syria and fight with the FSA, it will be a huge morale bosster and they can also offer a lot of advise…..persoanlly I think most of these Brigadidier Genera;s have ulterior motives in going to Turkey ( i.e they are all under the control of Turkish intelligence and SNC and going for the sole purpose of stealing the funds and weapons meant for the real FSA )


  37. We are all terrorists here :

    see text in English here :


    Le président Bachar Al-Assad a ratifié, lundi 2 juillet, trois lois qui condamnent notamment à de lourdes peines ceux qui commettent des actes “terroristes” visant à changer la nature du régime, a annoncé l’agence d’information officielle SANA.

    “Ceux qui forment, dirigent ou sont membres d’un groupe terroriste risquent de dix à vingt ans de travaux forcés, mais la punition peut être plus sévère si le but est de changer le régime ou la nature de l’Etat”, selon ces textes approuvés jeudi 28 juin par le Parlement. “Si ces actes entraînent la mort ou des handicaps pour les victimes, des sentences de mort peuvent être prononcées”, ajoute le texte.

    Par ailleurs, “le financement du terrorisme, c’est-à-dire toute action visant à collecter, fournir directement ou indirectement de l’argent, des armes, des munitions, des explosifs, des moyens de communication, des informations pouvant être utilisées dans des actes terroristes sont passibles de quinze à vingt ans de prison”.


  38. I know this is totally unrelated to this blog but I wanted to share this with you because it gave me a few chuckles, something one needs in these dreary and dark times filled with death and suffering. From Uri Avnery’s English Column:


    EVERYBODY KNOWS by now why we are stuck in Palestine.

    When God instructed Moses to plead with Pharaoh to let his people go, Moses told him that he was unfit for the job because “I am slow of speech and of a slow tongue” (Exodus 4:10).

    Actually, in the Hebrew original, Moses told God that he was “heavy of the mouth and heavy of the tongue”. He should have told Him that he was also heavy of the ears. So when God told him to take his people to Canada, he took his people to Canaan, spending the prescribed 40 years – just long enough to reach Vancouver – wandering hither and thither in the Sinai desert.

    So here we are, in Canaan, surrounded by Muslims.

    Back to our situation.

    Dear OTW: Are you at all in contact with anyone attending the Cairo meeting (yet another blood meeting!), and what is really going on there?

    I also have a question for anyone coming here: all these “opposition” figures popping out of the woodwork like termites, can anyone please tell stupid old me who nominates them and invites them to the jawboning orgies? El-Arabi and the AL and the UN keep moaning about how bad the regime is yet they give us this Geneva “Agreement” that can be interpreted in a hundred different ways, including, of course, Lavrov’s way, which has Btb leading until 2014 and his cohorts forming the main “official” side to any dialogue.


  39. Lavrov said “The Friends of Syria group initially planned to support only one, foreign rather than internal Syrian opposition group”
    Is this f**king foreign minister Syrian or Russian? Is he foreign or Syrian?
    The human rights record of Russia is akin to US, ethically and morally bankrupt. Mass murderers.They are flexing their muscles on a dignified and noble people, namely, the Syrian who are demanding their basic human rights, dignity and freedom.

    Building Russian nationalism-bravado- on the bloodletting of Syrian.


  40. …and .. agree to disagree, while their brethren are tortured and killed inside Syria, they are better off to dissolve this so called opposition, their interest is not the Syrian people..had it been.. they would have united from the first month. They are disadvantaging the inside opposition. What is their problem? Knowing they are their to oust a dictator and not to govern the country.
    It is 5:00 PM in Syria, 35 Syrians have been slaughtered including children, while exiled Syrians arguing and jostling to reach an agreement? It is not about egos, political parties, secondary details.. When will we mature? When will our egos dissolve..when will the collective be more important than the individual..


  41. Now, a blaze is engulfing one of Syria’s finest resources, our forests on the Northern Syrian Turkish borders. Turks are battling the wide wild spread of fires, due to very strong winds. While the beast is sitting in the comfort of an office, a suit and a tie, meetings, photo ops- due to “exceptional circumstances currently facing Syria” while his given orders are executed by Syrian men who forcefully or voluntarily are killing Syrians. The sons of the bitches- assads and makhloufs are adamant to destroy what they cannot steel, what kind of breed are these people..are they not done yet? Will they be allowed to leave to their safe heavens before entangling Turkey. Dirty games by dirty minds..a bunch of murderers with perverted minds ruling our world..


  42. KareemLailah

    مناف طلاس و والده مصطفى طلاس من رموز النظام و شركاؤه في كل شيء منذ عهد حافظ الأسد و انشقاقهم خسارة للنظام و لكن ليس مكسب للثورة


  43. N.Z. not much contrast; yet I wonder if the zios are as refined in their physical torture practices
    umm nuwâs : souriahouria is a fantastic website


  44. Are we about to see a mass WikiLeaks posting on Syria ?

    WikiLeaks annonce détenir 2,5 millions de courriels liés au régime syrien

    Le avec AFP | 05.07.2012 à 14h08 • Mis à jour le 05.07.2012 à 14h08
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    Le site WikiLeaks a annoncé, jeudi 5 juillet, la publication de plus de 2 millions de courriels de personnalités politiques et de responsables officiels syriens, datant d’août 2006 jusqu’à mars 2012. “WikiLeaks a commencé à publier les ‘Syria files’ (dossiers syriens), plus de 2 millions de mails de personnalités politiques syriennes, de ministères et d’entreprises datant d’août 2006 à mars 2012”, a déclaré une porte-parole du site, Sarah Harrison, lors d’une conférence de presse à Londres.

    Les courriels n’ont cependant pas été rendus accessibles au grand public. Ils ont été transmis en avant-première à des partenaires média de WikiLeaks : Al Akhbar (Liban), Al Masry Al Youm (Égypte), ARD (Allemagne), Associated Press (USA), L’Espresso (Italie), Owni (France) et (Espagne). D’autres partenaires devraient être annoncés dans les prochains jours.

    Seule une poignée de messages a pour l’instant été rendue publique – au moins théoriquement, le site de WikiLeaks connaissant des difficultés ce 5 juillet – en illustration d’articles publiés par ces partenaires. Publico a notamment publié un article s’appuyant sur l’un des emails syriens pour montrer qu’une société italienne avait vendu du matériel de surveillance à l’Iran en 2007.


    La conférence de presse de WikiLeaks s’est déroulée, comme d’habitude, au Frontline Club de Londres. Mais contrairement aux conférences de presse précédentes, ce n’est pas Julian Assange qui a pris place sur le podium, mais une porte-parole de l’organisation, et pour cause : M. Assange est toujours réfugié à l’ambassade de l’Equateur à Londres. Le cofondateur de WikiLeaks, qui a épuisé tous les recours pour éviter une extradition vers la Suède, où il doit être entendu comme témoin dans deux affaires de viol et d’agression sexuelle, affirme que les autorités suédoises cherchent en réalité à l’extrader vers les Etats-Unis.

    En une semaine, la situation est devenue ubuesque : la Grande-Bretagne a annoncé que M. Assange serait arrêté s’il sortait de l’ambassade, pour infraction à sa liberté surveillée – le contrôle judiciaire strict auquel il est soumis lui interdit de dormir à une adresse autre que celle de sa résidence habituelle. Dans le même temps, il a été convoqué par la police, pour la préparation de son extradition, mais a refusé d’obtempérer. Le tout sans que l’Equateur n’ait encore accepté ou refusé sa demande d’asile, alors que le gouvernement équatorien multiplie les déclarations provocatrices de soutien dans la presse…

    Conséquence directe, la conférence de presse de WikiLeaks, qui n’a duré qu’une petite demi-heure, s’est donc déroulée dans des conditions un peu particulières. “Je sais que le sort de Julian Assange fait de meilleurs gros titres, mais pourriez-vous concentrer vos questions sur les révélations que nous présentons aujourd’hui ?”, avaient tenté de demander les animateurs de la conférence de presse. Peine perdue : la deuxième question portait sur le sort du médiatique cofondateur du site…

    Le timing de ces nouvelles révélations semble cependant avoir été minutieusement calculé par l’organisation et par M. Assange. La dernière publication majeure de WikiLeaks, en décembre dernier, avait également coïncidé avec un moment-clef dans la bataille juridique contre son extradition. WikiLeaks, qui affirme toujours être dans une situation financière difficile, a également multiplié ces derniers jours les appels aux dons


  45. The subjugation and assumption of control of a place or a people by force is a sign of despair, an unsustainable project . Annie you are right, there is no much contrast between the Assadism and Zionism. One cannot approve of one and disagree with the other.


  46. What is more revealing/ embarassing, the wikileaks Syria documents or the UNSC inaction in the face of evil?


  47. If you want to know who Manaf Tlass is, ask who Mustapha Tlass was? Is this Tlass jr. going to be the new groomed leader? Not in a million years. The children of today are no different than the fathers of yesteryear. We saw a sample, we know the past.. the loyalties are passed on, enough said. Abou Salah’s fingernail is more worthy of discussing than this son of a traitor.




    In Paris there will be a march from the Panthéon to the Institut du Monde Arabe, beginning at 14H /2 PM on Saturday, organized by the Collectif Urgence Solidarité Syrie, co-sponsored by SouriaHouria, le Comité de la déclaration de Damas, Collectif du 15 mars pour la démocratie en Syrie, Amnesty International, the Ligue des droits de l’homme and numerous others


  49. Syria Through a Lens: The Life and Works of Filmmaker Bassel Shehadeh

    Syria Through A Lens: is a film that brings together a collection of works by and about Bassel, capturing the beauty of Syria and the inspirational courage of the Syrian people in the face of adversity.


  50. مداخلة تاريخية لخالد ابو صلاح في مؤتمر اصدقاء سوريا


  51. This Friday in Salah el-Deen, Aleppo, thousands came out chanting supporting Syria’s Free Army. Meaning, this district has been liberated. Consequently, the Slaughterer and his men will commit endless massacres to punish the inhabitants for their bravery against tyranny.


  52. No doubt that the presence of Abou Salah at the “Friends of Syria” conference will boost the SNC and other opposition groups outside the country. I am sure that the selfless Abou Salah will teach them lessons in selfless activism, and will remind them of the importance of unity in the face of tyranny. Individualism and egoistic views are from the past. There is no place for such personalities in the new Syria, Souriya al-Karamah.

    As Azmi Bishara puts it:

    لست رومانسيا لأعتقد أن كل من حمل السلاح يمكنه ان يحكم بلدا مركبا وأن يدير اقتصادا، ولكن الشعب السوري الذي تبلورت هويته النضالية في هذه الايام هو الضمان ان لا تصادر الثورة في المستقبل، وأن يعبر النظام القادم عن تعدديّته السياسية والاجتماعية وعن تنوّعه.
    والشرط هو أن لا تتحول الثورة إلى أي نوع من الاقتتال بعد سقوط النظام، وأن تقام منذ اليوم في الداخل، البنى والهياكل التي تمنع ذلك وترسي أسس المواطنة الديمقراطية ومؤسساتها، ومن ضمنها المؤسسات التثقيفية في الثورة.
    المعركة في الداخل وسوف تحسم في الداخل. والنصر قريب أن شاء الله.
    كل ما قل عن ذلك هو خيانة لملايين الجنود المجهولين الذين لا ينتظرون أجرا من أحد، ولكن لن يقبلوا أن تسرق منهم أحلامهم التي قبضوا عليها كالقابض على الجمر وهم يهربونها عبر الحواجز الأمنية.
    هؤلاء الأبطال ليسوا مجهولين، وهم بالتأكيد ليسوا جاهلين، ولم يقم أحد بالمهمة عنهم، فليتواضع كل من يعتبر إرضاء دولة أجنبية أمرا أكثر أهمية منهم. ولن يكون هنالك من هو أهم من المواطن السوري وكرامته.


  53. NZ, thanks for posting the excellent video on the life and work of Bassel Shehadeh. It should be seen widely…. especially by Westerners on the left saying “violence on both sides” as their only stance. He will be remembered, but what a loss.


  54. RE: Tlass
    Pretty soon, maybe in the next couple of weeks Maher al-Assad will probably get on a (his private jet) plane and fly to Paris and announce that he too is “breaking with” the regime and expect, no, demand, to be met with hugs and kisses from the SNC!

    If Tlass jr. is ok, why not Maher?

    So what the hell has this Tlass jr been doing in the RG all these years? Was he just in charge of designing their uniforms, or maybe of their charitable work?

    Why go to Paris? Jabal-ezaawiye is much more like it. Let’s see him prove how good and committed a soldier for the revolution he is by spending time under the rain of canon bombardment from his erstwhile comrades in the Assadist army.


  55. umm nuwâs, his smile is unforgettable, a senseless loss of life. May he rest in peace…


  56. Manaf Tlass

    As issued by international press and media, I have just left Syria.
    With the will to remain faithful to my military principles and loving feelings towards Syria, I have always tried to fulfill my duty with rightness, in order to preserve unity for Syria and its people.
    I did not joined the armed forces to see this army harm its own people, without giving systematically a chance to political solutions.
    Thus, because I was in complete opposition with the unjustified violence and crimes committed by Assad’s regime in the past months, I was progressively dismissed from my place of duty in the armed forces.
    Today, I call for all my comrades in armed forces, whatever their rank in the hierarchy, who are dragged into this fight against their Syrian fellows and against their own ideals, to end supporting this regime.
    I recognize the legitimacy of the fight of the opposition members to the regime, particularly the ones on the ground. In this respect, let me be grateful to those who made it possible for me to leave the Syrian territory where my own person and family were threatened.
    In the coming days, I will make a statement on my motives and the possibilities that the future offers me.
    Long life to Syria!
    General Manaf Tlas

    وفقا لما بدأت الصحافة الدولية ذكره لقد غادرت سوريا منذ لحظات قليلة.
    حفاظا على مبادئي العسكرية وعلى حبي للوطن، لقد حاولت دائما القيام بواجبي حرصا على الحفاظ على وحدة الوطن والشعب طبقا لما يمليه ضميري علي. لم أدخل المؤسسة العسكرية مؤمنا يوما أنني أرى هذا الجيش يواجه شعبه، وخاصة أن الحل السياسي لم يستنزف بعد.
    ويجدر بالذكر أن سبب امتناعي عن تأدية مها مي ومسؤولياتي داخل الجيش يكمن في أنني لم أوافق إطلاقا على سير العمليات الإجرامية والعنف الغير مبرر الذي سار عليه نظام الأسد منذ أشهر عديدة.
    فاليوم أدعو زملائي العسكريين مهما تكن رتبهم والذين ينجرون في قتال ضد شعبهم ومبادئهم إلى عدم تأييد هذا المصار المنحرف. وأقر بشرعية النضال الذي تقوده المعارضة وخاصة
    على الأرض. وأشكر كل من مكنوني من مغادرة الأراضي السورية التي أصبحت فيها حياتي وحياة أقاربي مهددة وفي خطر. وبعد أيام قليلة سأتكلم بشكل مفصل عن دوافعي وخطواتي نحو المستقبل.
    عاشت سوريا أرضا وشعبا !
    العميد مناف طلاس


  57. Read Juan Cole today on elections in Libya — something to look forward to, and also
    a riposte to all those who cite Libya as “the bad example” & reason for not aiding the Syrian opposition

    (FWIW, I was in Libya myself, in Tripoli, at the end of April, and the overwhelming mood was of enthusiasm, with freedom graffiti everywhere , bustling markets, and new constructions — mostly apartment buildings — going up in droves. Pity about their confiscating bottles of wine at the airport though…. :~) )


  58. سميرة المهزع ‏@sameera_bh

    هنيئاً لإسرائيل التي نسينا صراعنا معها وأصبحنا نتحدث عن صراع وجودي بين السنة والشيعة


  59. Annie thank you for posting- Raed Salah’s address to the Syrian. He speaks for me, why?

    His freedom is un-hyphenated, his dignity is un-hyphenated, his belief in God is not politicized. Where is Abbas, King Abdullah, Batta, and the rest of the pack?-all busy with the think tankers, working with their full might against the aspirations of Syria’s noble to hijack their Karamah Revolution, busy securing their thrones.
    Annie, what saddens me more is not those leaderless empty headed installed figures, but the educated, enlightened ordinary Syrian citizens who are numb, giving time and excuses to the Syrian regime to kill and torture one of us. Humanity knows no borders, no colour, ethnicity or….no “if” and “but”….there is no excuse for any leader to kill his people, period!

    The rape of Palestine by western powers comes to mind, yet, some Arabs will blame the Palestinians for selling their land and not colonial powers whose aim first and foremost is the subjugation and control of Arabs and their land by force as is the case in Palestine, or by puppets on strings as is the case in the rest of the Arab world, from Saudi Arabia to Morocco and in between.
    Syria the free will emerge, but will we be a United Syrians in the liberated land?


  60. Film “Ibn al Am Online” , a film about Riad Al-Turk who refused to live quietly in “the kingdom of silence”. With English subtitles.

    الفيلم الجديد “ابن العم على الخط” (ابن العم أونلاين) هو بورتريه من داخل الثورة السورية للمعارض رياض الترك الذي لا يزال إلى اليوم ينشط في العمل السري من داخل سورية

    لقد تم اللجوء إلى تقنية السكايب وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي ليس فقط كجزء من قصة وبنية الفيلم، ولكن كذلك كجزء من عملية التصوير ذاتها. وفي المحصلة كان الانترنيت هو الواجهة الاولى التي اخترنا تقديم هذا الفيلم من خلالها

    لقد تم انجاز عمليات التصوير على مدى عدة شهور منذ بداية الثوره في ١٥ آذار ٢٠١١ وتم الانتهاء من المونتاج في بداية العام ٢٠١٢.

    هذا الفيلم هو تحية لهذا المعارض المخضرم وهو تكملة لفيلم “ابن العم” الذي أنجزه المخرج في العام2001 والذي كان عبارة عن إضاءة على علاقة رياض الترك مع السجن السياسي الذي قضى فيه 18 عاما في عهد حافظ الاسد، قبل أن يسجنه الابن بشار الاسد لمدة عامين في بداية عهده

    لقد أمضى رياض الترك معظم حياته في النضال من أجل الديمقراطيه والحريه في سورية، ومع اندلاع الثورة السورية أدرك هذا الرجل الثمانيي أن هذه الثورة يصنعها الشباب أولا، وأنه لا بد أن تسلم الرايه في النهاية لهم. تحيه لرياض الترك وتحيه لكل من ساعد بانجاز هذا الفيلم وتحية للشباب السوري الثائر حتى النصر ….حتى الحرية
    محمد علي الأتاسي


  61. وضاح خنفر · 11,448 like this.
    1 July at 08:10 ·

    اتفاق جنيف خذلان متوقع للثورة السورية في سياق صراع مصالح دولي، الحل في اعادة توجيه بوصلة الثورة لتقود هي -لا العالم الخارجي – مسارها.

    اتفاقية جنيف والغموض المتعمد بشأن مصير بشار الأسد في ظل حكومة انتقالية ليس مفاجأة، بل متوقع في سياق الصراع الدولي الحالي.

    الثورة السورية، على خلاف ثورات الربيع العربي السابقة، ميدان رحب لصراعات إقليمية ودولية، وسبب ذلك أن النظام الدولي يعيش الآن حالة انتقال وسيولة: أوروبا تعاني أزمة اقتصادية هائلة قد تطيح بمنظومة اليورو، والولايات المتحدة تقلص حضورها العسكري في عدد من قواعدها حول العالم، وبالمقابل فإن الصين تتطلع خارج حدود سورها العظيم، وتخرج على السياسة التقليدية المتبعة منذ تأسيس جمهورية الصين الشعبية عام ١٩٤٧ الممتمثلة في حماية حدودها باتجاه سياسة أملتها ضرورات الحاجة الماسة للطاقة. استفادت الصين في العقد الماضي من انشغال الولايات المتحدة في حربها ضد ما سمي بالإرهاب، وتفرغت هي لتطوير إمكاناتها الاقتصادية والتقنية، واليوم لن تقبل أن تكون عملاقا مهمشا في السياسة الدولية، وهي ترقب فراغا استراتيجيا هائلا يتشكل في أكثر مناطق العالم غنى بالطاقة.

    روسيا هي الأخرى لديها حساباتها الاستراتيجية، وترى أن الفرصة سانحة لإعادة التفاوض حول قضايا استراتيجية مهمة لأمنها القومي: جورجيا، الدرع الصاروخية وكذلك أنابيب النفط والغاز التي تزود بها أوروبا، بالإضافة إلى موقف بوتين الشخصي الناقم على تشكيك الإدارة الأمريكية في شرعية انتخابه، هذا بالإضافة إلى تخوف موسكو وبيجين من الربيع العربي الثائر ضد التسلط، خشيتهما من عدوى الثورات الشعبية، التي ينظر إليها روسيا وصينيا على أنها مؤامرة غربية لتوسيع الهيمنة والنفوذ.

    موقف روسيا والصين إذن من الثورة السورية يأتي ضمن محاولة إعادة رسم مناطق النفوذ في النظام الدولي المتحرك، بالإضافة إلى تحصين نفسيهما من عدوى الربيع العربي، هذا بالإضافة إلى أن كلا من الصين وروسيا ترتبطان بمصالح نفطية ونووية بإيران، وتستفيدان من العقود النفطية الكثيرة التي منحتها حكومة المالكي لهما في العراق، كما أنهما تنظران إلى تركيا والدول العربية الأخرى على أنهما جزء من منظومة الهيمنة الغربية.

    وبالمقابل فإن أوروبا المعتمدة بشكل واسع على الغاز الروسي، وأمريكا التي تستدين يوميا ٤ مليارات دولار من الصين لخدمة ديونها، وانصراف العالم الغربي عن الفعل السياسي إلى الهم الاقتصادي، وتخوف منظومة الدول الغربية من البدائل الإسلامية للأنظمة المخلوعة في العالم العربي، وفزع إسرائيل من الربيع العربي، كل ذلك يجعل من المساومة بين الطرفين مسألة مصالح ذاتية، والشعب السوري فيها غير حاضر اللهم إلا في سبيل توظيف دماء الضحايا ضد هذا الطرف أو ذاك.

    التحرك الدولي الذي وصل أوجه في خطة كوفي عنان وما قبلها وما بعدها وصولا إلى اتفاقية جنيف بشأن الحكومة انتقالية مع غموض متعمد بشأن مستقبل بشار الأسد يأتي ضمن لعبة المصالح بين الأقطاب الدولية، وعلى صناع الرأي في الثورة السورية أن لا تتنازعهم أوهام الدعم الدولي، فالحقيقة المتكررة خبرا وتحليلا تشير إلى أننا أمام ثورة تحتاج هي بنفسها أن تحدد أولوياتها، وأن تنظر إلى الإطار الدولي كما ينظر هو إليها: لعبة مصالح.

    الثورة السورية في ذاتها قوية وتمتلك عناصر تمكنها من النجاح : شجاعة الإنسان السوري الثائر، حركة تاريخ المنطقة نحو التحرر والانعتاق، اتساع التعاطف مع الثورة السورية في الضمير والوجدان العربي والإسلامي، وكذلك لا ننسى أخطاء النظام السوري، فأخطاء أنظمتنا خير – في الغالب – من صوابنا!
    وهنا أتحدث عن همجية النظام السوري وإيغاله الوحشي في الدماء بالإضافة إلى أن المنطقة معبأة ضد غرور عصابة متدثرة بثوب طائفي مقيت.

    وباختصار فإن اتفاقية جنيف لن تتحقق على الأرض في ظل بقاء بشار الأسد، سيسقطها الشعب الثائر، ولن تنجح، هذه مسألة منتهية، إنما ستنجح في شيء واحد ضروري وعاجل : ستوجه بوصلة الثورة باتجاه ثوري حقيقي، ستخبو أحلام الدعم الدولي وستبرز ضرورات الاعتماد على الذات، ستنقل التركيز من غرف الاجتماعات والمؤتمرات والبيانات إلى الخنادق والعتاد والعمليات، هذه هي الثورة وهذا هو مسارها، والأيام القادمة ستشهد تحولات بهذا الاتجاه.

    إذن علينا جميعا أن نعي تماما أننا لسنا أمام ثورة ستعيد بناء نظام سوري جديد، ولكننا أمام ثورة ستعيد تركيب المنطقة وربما العالم وفق موازين جديدة.


  62. تابعوا احلام الشباب العربي في هذا الهاش تاق. : ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا

    عربي يجوب العالم العربي من دون جواز سفر ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    قطار سريع من الخليج إلى الرباط ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    وحدة تنبني على مصالح الشعوب العملية لا على شعارات شوفينية ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    حدود تصل الناس ولا تفصل بينهم ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    80% من الاقتصاد التونس يعتمد على الاقتصاد الفرنسي! لا بديل عن التكامل الاقتصادي العربي ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    ليبيا دولة لديها المال وتحتاج إلى الرجال! لماذا يفتح الباب للاستثمارات الاجنبية والخبرات المصرية تعاني البطالة؟ ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    العراق، ليبيا، السعودية، الإمارات والكويت دول عربية من اهم دول العالم التي فيها احتياط نفطي. ونسبة الفقر في اليمن نحو 70% ! ‎‫#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    لا بديل عن تكامل اقتصادي مصري ليبي تونسي من أجل استقرار اقتصادي وسياسي#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬ .

    حلف عسكري يجمع بين العرب#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬

    استغلال للثروات المهدورة اراضي السودان واليد العاملة في مصر والنفط في الخليج وليبيا ومياه النيل اجمعوها معا#وحدتنا_قوتنا‬ ‬

    وحدتنا_قوتنا‬ لأن الذي لديه الثروة يحتاج لعمق استراتيجي ومن لديه الموارد البشرية يحتاج الى الثروة#وحدتنا_قوتنا. ‎‫


  63. “Important to remember that Syria regime purposefully transformed peaceful uprising it couldn’t stop into civil war it thought it could win”


  64. …what is more apparent, is their omnipresent hatred towards Syrian culture and religious symbols. Their intention was not of governing the country, to the contrary…crushing Syrians, trying to wipe their heritage, culture, history, their past and more importantly their future…the enemy from within, Assadism.

    One has to ask, why minarets? Those who are constantly talking in sectarian terms ought to answer a simple question, Talbiseh, the city of minarets, slowly being destroyed..deliberately targeting mosques and the minarets, how different is Assadism from Taliban?

    A full article with videos on:Talbiseh, the city of minarets, slowly being destroyed


  65. Apparently, the first free Syrian ambassador is a thief according to the regime mouthpiece ‘Shareeef Shehada. الحرة غادة عويس تضع قدمها في الشبيح شحاطة


  66. “Apparently, the first free Syrian ambassador is a thief according to the regime mouthpiece ‘Shareeef Shehada. الحرة غادة عويس تضع قدمها في الشبيح شحاطة” Of course.

    No news from Aboud, what happened to True ?


  67. Another defection, Syrian broadcaster, Ola Abbass. Congratulations!

    اعرف الان تماما أن مواطنيتي لا تكتمل إذا كان هناك انتقاص من مواطنية أو كرامة سوري واحد.
    أتخلى عما اعتقدته حلمي، وأعلن توقفي عن العمل في الهيئة العامة للإذاعة والتلفزيون، كي لا أكون شريكة في سفك الدم السوري أو تبرير سفكه


  68. SYRIAN HAMSTER, I couldn’t resist, but to copy and paste your post. Every word, every idea and the overall message in your comment will make all those innocent and noble victims rest in peace, it is the only way we can honour and celebrate their lives…

    Airtight Proof
    When Sharif Shihada calls the Ambassador a thief, you know that the Ambassador has really defected. No need for attempts to analyze hair style or for any other forensic. case closed.

    Either way, both the Ambassador and Munaf Tlass did not really defect, they only escaped. Defection time is over. It is now time for escape from the sinking ship. And the primary cause for these escape has less to do with the repulsion against the murder of Syrians since both high profile escapees have been part and parcel of the regime’s security apparatus for years. It has more to do with the incredible absurdity of the buffoon Assad the little, who can still look the camera in lens and say something like “we do not have family rule here, we have inthtituthens in thyria”.

    Regime symbols are calculating decision makers. But when the absurdity of burning the entire country, including them, for the sake of he buffoon and his vulgar family and close friends reach such high levels, there is no way for many of them to escape before the madness of this little boy king reach their necks.

    I am however disappointed at the increasingly sectarian conversations here. Some regime supporters have taken a sectarian outlook from day one, and they have tried to hide it for long time, but for those pretending to support the revolution to talk on such sectarian terms and respond in worst sectarian slurs and imagery (metti snorting and the like) is both unacceptable and it soils what people are dying for and it shows the same lack of understanding of this revolution the prop-regimist have shown.

    YES i will take a high place on this, and yes I will be arrogant and unforgiving. Sectarianism is never fought by itself, it is a folly to think this way. And if you don’t like what I said, go for it, push the red dislike button

    Why you say so, you have always advocated that a state of laws is what guarantees everyone’s rights and survival. Do you think that a sectarian state built by generals who knew nothing but plunder and graft will survive the same generals and their countless entourage of those who only knew employment and promotion as tools of intimidation. I have to say that such a state will revert into infighting and recrimination if not a full scale tribal war. It is already starting among some of the regime’s closely knit circle of ultra supporters. A state built to protect a few who have committed historical injustice would be a state that would sacrifice all of its citizens for the sake of the buffoon. I value every Syrian too much to have anyone even getting wounded for the sake of this absurd historical abomination called Bashar al Assad.


  69. What a man !

    A film by M. Ali Atassi on Riad Turk, the syrian leading opposition figure who spent 20 years in Assad jails, and who lives underground in Syria today – English subtitles


  70. Reuters & AFP report: Another massacre in Hama, between 100 – 200 killed. More than 200 people have been killed in Hama, and that “The Revolution Leadership Council of Hama told Reuters that most of the dead in the village of Tremseh were civilians.”

    The AFP has the toll at “more than 100”, adding that tanks and helicopters were used in the attacks.

    Damascus, today was attacked by Assadist thugs. They shelled the suburbs of the capital, Damascus, to flush the rebels out from areas where they have established a foothold.

    Assadists pounded Mezzeh and Kafr Souseh in eastern Damascus with mortars, sending residents streaming out, activists said. They also targeted the Liwan, Qadam and Daraya neighborhoods from a nearby military airport.

    The AFP has the toll at “more than 100”, adding that tanks and helicopters were used in the attacks.


  71. This protest is in Muhajreen, the heart of Damascus. Damascene families moved from the old city to this area, at the turn of the past century. It is at the footsteps of Mount Qassioun. Jebal Kasioun overlooks the city of Damascus as if embracing it, like a mother extending her arms embracing her child.


  72. Another grizzly massacre. This one has a sectarian undertone. The eyewitnesses, almost all insisted repeatedly. Knowing very well, and I say it sadly, the murderers are all Syrian Alewite. Hopefully, the Alawite will come out from their deafening silence, this is done in their name and under their watchful eyes. These murderers must be stopped by the sane majority of the respected Alawite.

    This massacre might be a turning point, will the 5 Pimps and their junior prostitute wishes come true? I hope not, I hope they will be defeated by a loving Syrian majority, from all walks of Syrian life. Let us stop the madmen from taking us to where known of us wan to be.


  73. EA WorldView ‏@EANewsFeed

    Syria Special: A Massacre in Tremseh — What We Know So Far | #p2 #tcot #Mar15 #Assad #MENA

    For starters, this massacre did not come fully unanticipated. Early on Thursday morning, EA received reports, and posted videos, that a series of towns, Kornaz, Jalama, and Tremseh (from north to south). What was curious about these reports was both the voracity of the attacks on these towns and their remote location. Previous to this, a large amount of violence has occurred on the road that runs from Kafr Zita to Khan Sheikhoun, or further northwest in Qa’allat al Madiq. I did not know where Tremseh or Jalama were before I made those early reports. The reports, all from different sources, that three villages were heavily attacked on the same road, suggested to us that a fairly major military operation was occurring along that route. It was also interesting that so many buildings in all three villages were reportedly on fire, suggesting that there may have been similar shells used against all three areas.


    Multiple activists reported a similar story, that the village was shelled for 5 or more hours, killing many, and then shabiha were deployed to the town, killing many more. This report, posted by an activist Facebook page, is both the first narrative we posted and is perhaps the most detailed, but different and similar reports were posted nearly simultaneously by disparate sources who do not seem to have coordinated the reports:

    The town of al-Treimseh, which located on al-Sqeilabiya Road and is about 35 kilometers away from Hama, was subjected to violent shelling by the Assad army since the early hours of the morning. A convoy composed of 25 cars filled with army personnel and security forces, 3 BMPs, 5 Zell cars with Shelka, and a number of shabiha thugs from surrounding villages headed toward the town. They surrounded the village from all sides and prevented residents from leaving. The shelling lasted for about 5 continuous hours. Tens were killed as a result of the violent arbitrary shelling. Afterwards, shabiha thugs from surrounding pro-regime villages (al-Safsafah – Tal Sikeen – Aseela – Hanjoor) stormed the village and committed another horrific massacre. Those who survived the shelling were slaughtered.

    Until this moment, there are more than 150 martyrs in the Great Mosque of al-Treimseh, and 70 martyrs on the agricultural fields, Assi River, and in homes. There are more than 140 injured, including more than 40 who are in critical condition. The number is likely to increase. More than 100 people have been detained.

    The beginning of the narrative closely fits out earlier reporting, that a large military campaign was active in the area of Tremseh, and that Tremseh and surrounding towns were being heavily shelled. The second part, that the shelling intensified and shabiha entered the village, we cannot confirm.

    However, EA has a contact who is reportedly in Hama. According to the contact, he had communicated with someone inside the village who reported that there were 220 bodies in the town, some of whom had been gathered in the mosque and more lay outside of it. Though there is no way to independently verify this claim yet, this is a source that has been consistently reliable.



  74. and see this comment :
    you stupid liars these are the terrorists that were killed at the hands of the syrian army !!!
    The army got a tipp off just before these terrorists were about to create a massacre in the hama village traimsi !! as usual just before the U.N meeting this is what these terrorists are ordered to do by their leaders to make it look bad enough to have outside intervention in syria!!!


  75. S.N.N | شبكة شام

    بيان توضيحي حول مجزرة التريمسة
    بدأت الحملة العسكرية بمشاركة الآليات الثقيلة وناقلات الجند المصفحة في الساعة الخامسة فجراً، وفي تمام السادسة، كانت قوات الجيش قد احكمت الحصار على القرية من الاتجاهات الأربعة، ومنعت الأهالي من النزوح في ظل إطلاق نار عشوائي وكثيف من الاسلحة الرشاشة والعيارات الثقيلة
    خلال ساعتين، بدأت أعمدة الدخان تشاهد من القرية جراء القصف بالمدافع الرئيسية للدبابات، وبدأت تصل أسماء الضحايا
    حاول الأطباء والمسعفون إسعاف الجرحى، فكان لهم الجيش بالمرصاد، وأصيب الطبيب: منصف الناجي بطلق ناري في الرأس في ساعات الصباح الأولى، وحاول زملائه اسعافه، فتوفي تحت العمل الجراحي، وارتقى شهيداً
    بالنسبة لتواجد الجيش الحر، فيوجد في قرية التريمسة عدد قليل من أفراد الجيش الحر يقيمون فيها ومسلحين بالسلاح الخفيف فقط، حاولوا المساعدة في إخلاء الجرحى، وفتح ثغرة للأهالي للنزوح، وعند اشتداد القصف، قامت إحدى المجموعات بمهاجمة حاجز الجلمة القريب من القرية، لمحاولة فتح ثغرة للأهالي للنزوح، وعندها بدأ استخدام الطيران المروحي في قصف المجوعة، والمنطقة القريبة منها
    وكانت مواجهة عنيفة بين هذه المجموعة التي قدمت من إحدى المدن القريبة، ولكنها اضطرت للانسحاب بسبب الطيران
    بعد خمس ساعات من إطلاق النار والقصف العشوائي، اقتحم عناصر الجيش، وأفراد الشبيحة القرية راجلين، وتم تنفيذ عدة حالات من الإعدام الميداني رمياً بالرصاص، وذبحاً بالأسلحة البيضاء من قبل الشبيحة حصراً، لم يتم حصر عدد هذه الحالات حتى الآن
    في الليل، وحوالي الساعة العاشرة مساءً، تم انسحاب الجيش والعناصر الموالية المساندة له، وبدأت عمليات البحث عن الضحايا، وتجميعهم في المسجد، حيث وصل العدد المؤكد حتى صباح اليوم إلى 74 شهيداً، بينهم سبعة دفنوا في قرية كفرهود، بالإضافة إلى أكثر من 200 جريح، وحوالي مئة معتقل، وعشرات المفقودين
    وقد تصاعدت الأعداد من قبل المراسلين بسبب اعتبار جميع الضحايا التي عثر عليها والمفقودين كقتلى، وتبيّن لاحقاً أن عدداً كبيراً منهم كان من الجرحى
    حتى اللحظة لا زالت عمليات الاسعاف والبحث عن الجثث جارية، والعدد مرشح للزيادة بشكل كبير، حيث عثر منذ أقل من ساعة على جثتين جديدتين في الأراضي الزراعية قرب النهر
    وسيتم نشر الاسماء والتفاصيل النهائية حال إتمامها

    شام حماه من شهداء مجزرة التريمسة الطبيب مسعف فيصل الناجي 13 7 2012

    شام حماه من شهداء مجزرة التريمس شهيد ذبح بطريقة وحشية +18 13 7 2012

    شام حماه شهداء مجزرة التريمسة في ريف حماة 12 7 2012 ج2

    شام حماه شهداء مجزرة التريمسة في ريف حماة 12 7 2012 ج1

    شام حماه دفن شهداء مجزرة التريمسة في ريف حماة 13 7 2012

    شام حماه دفن شهداء مجزرة التريمسة في ريف حماة 13 7 2012 ج3

    شام حماه دفن شهداء مجزرة التريمسة في ريف حماة 13 7 2012 ج2


  76. To the enlightened “foreverers” why were the observers denied access to Traymseh in Hama, the site of the newest massacre were innocent civilians lost their lives because of UNSC complacency? There is nothing to hide, no?
    Is Gen. Mood’s head still nodding in agreement with Syria’s Slaughterer?


  77. Kofi Annan is “shocked and appalled” by Assad use of heavy weapons in civilian area of Traymseh, should he not take the only step necessary and in his capacity:

    Resign In Protest.

    What were we expecting of a Secretary General that overlooked Rwanda’s Genocide?


  78. Annan is a bureaucrat with a typical bureaucrat’s mentality: the continuation of his job/department comes first to any other consideration. I would really like to know what the budget of UNSMIS is (remember he asked for a one-year’s worth of funding) and how that budget compares to the funds allocated to humanitarian assistance in Syria.


  79. After the successes of the Syrian regime in murdering more than 220 of their own citizens in Traymseh, Hama. Not surprisingly, the UNSC was outraged with “no action” against their murderous pampered scum.

    ” Sitting Under a Tree For Discussions” should be the name of the UN new observation mission in Syria. The dictator is in full action, wasting no time, while the world community, under Annan auspices are observing one massacre after the other.

    What has the SNC done so far? Zilch!
    Repeatedly asking for foreign intervention. Did they not get it yet? Is this body a broken record? Is it not obvious, that the West is aligned with the house of Assad in dividing Syria, wishfully, awaiting a sectarian civil war.

    The SNC job is to halt this wicked scenario by uniting Syrians. While the activists on the ground are paying dearly with their lives and loved ones, while this body is getting payed by the house of Al Saud. Both houses, Al Saud and Al Assad are two faces of the same coin. They have no interest in the people, their interest lies in their survival. I do no differentiate between the two except that Al Assad crimes against their people is beyond words can adequately describe.

    Al Assad is instilling fear in the hearts and minds of the Syrian Alawite by turning them into beastly creatures against a majority, while the house of Saud is instilling fear in the hearts and minds of the Sunnis, rather than acknowledging the Shiite minorities in their midst, both are playing gods in our midst. This kind of divide and rule is akin to invaders, colonialists.. not a patriotic entity

    This SNC body can activate itself by calming the fearful minorities, every time they appear on our TV screens, this is the only way to stop the slaughtering house of Assad.

    It is no longer a secret that a small group from the Syrian Alawites are committing the most atrocious crimes of the 21st century. This is a fact. It is in their names, yet the activist are holding their reigns, we all are, hoping for this group to distance itself from the self serving family. They owe it to their children, they owe it to their country. I have no doubt-hoping sooner than later wisdom will prevail, we have no choice but be together, build together and live under the rule of law, equally as Syrians.


  80. For those who may be interested :

    I have good reasons to believe our good old freind ABOUD may be back Online, he is posting on Syria-Comment under a different name ( also starting with A ), it is easy to recognize his posts. Why doesn’t someone with his email iask him why he’s not coming to 7eetan ?

    I think he should, we can learn a lot from him, he’s seen things in the last 4 months most of us will not see in our lifetime.

    On another note :

    I find 7ee6an has become awfully moribund and stagnant. The last 1000 comments involved just about 3 to 4 people, vcan you believe that ? Where are all the old people like Sheila, Hamster, True, jarthouma ? What happened ? All we have are the same sort of comments by the same 2 to 3 persons. ( No disrespect to them).


  81. Antoine formerly known as ???? (forgot) is still obsessed by Aboud. Aboud may be dead but his spirit will live on. Of course, we remember him but if he choses not to come here, that is fine. 7ee6an is running on automatic. N.Z. is at the helm for the time being, bless his soul. I do not comment because I never have and I am not Syrian anyway .


  82. I don’t think Aboud is dead, Annie. OTW let us know that he had survived the worst in Homs. He may well have gotten out, though. But you’re right about the list running on automatic pilot, more or less, and many people are not posting. (Thanks to NZ from me too .)

    This is Amal Hanano’s latest column, about the arrest, torture and murder of medical practitioners

    There is a lively and inspiring piece by Qunfuz (Robin-Yassin-Kassab) on his blog of the same name (Hedgehog, not Robin!) about his meeting with Syrian opposition activists and writers at an international Arab writers gathering in Beirut this past week.


  83. Another creative free soul that the AsMAA have snuffed out

    As to the silence of many regular contributors lately, well, there isn’t much more one can say that has not been said before, and going quiet does not mean people are no longer indignant, angry, sad to the core, or that they have given up on the revolution. If after all that has happened in the last 17 months the world still does not recognize that the Assadist regime is a criminal gang that cares about nothing but its survival, no matter how many Syrians die and how many cities, towns and villages are obliterated, then frankly there is something wrong with the world and is not due to lack of effort on the part of diaspora Syrians to “shake the world’s conscience” from its slumber.


  84. @kasimf, I do not call them cowards, but criminals.

    ‏ الحكومه العراقيه تعلن أنها ستلاحق السفير السوري نواف الفارس لتورطه بدماء عراقيين ..! الآن تذكرو دماء
    العراقيين! ما أقبح الجبناء!


  85. mgb I believe it is important to post and relay information and spread it. This is all in support of the young heroes in the field. They should know that we care for them that we are with them in solidarity. Syrians feel already so isolated and neglected.


  86. Till death do them apart!

    المنحبكجيه.. الغاء مسيرة (عفويه) كان المفترض خروجها اليوم الثلاثاء في دمشق

    A (spontaneous) march was planned for Tuesday in Damascus, “Shabiha in the millions” was their slogan!


  87. يا بشار بدك ترحل شو ما صار

    يا غدار بدك ترحل شو ما صار


  88. يا غدار بدك ترحل شو ما صار
    How many more will he murder, before he gets killed…

    The end game, the point of no return!

    The only gamblers are those siding with their “forever” in the 21st century. Stupidity to say the least, evilness in action.

    Souria AlKarama, was a dream..


  89. Assad is moving his troops from the Golan heights to Damascus, the enemy is, always been the Syrian citizen. The situation in Damascus is extremely difficult, unlike the regime of assad, the Free Syrian Army is ill prepared compared to the monstrous family..
    Hopefully wisdom from within will prevail, and a coup from within will terminate this traitorous entity. This will be a blessing to all Syrians.


  90. الجيش السوري الحر يعلن بدء “معركة تحرير دمشق”


  91. الجيش السوري الحر يعلن بدء “معركة تحرير دمشق” Yes ?
    Holding my breath, keeping my fingers crossed and sending my most positive and powerful vibes.


  92. FSA from Daraa arrives to Damascus and Suburbs – Joint Commnder in the governorate
    عاجل: مقاتلون من الجيش السوري الحر من درعا يصلون الي دمشق وريفها – بيان من المجلس العسكري المشترك في المحافظة


  93. Gaddafi‬’s last words as he begged for mercy: ‘What did I do to you?’


  94. Wow we cannot keep up with the good news, Glorious Day, another bombing in the 4th division. Not yet confirmed.

    Someone said in light of the three dead Assadist, “we are in a country, that those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know, referring to the regime”.

    Spewing, threatening, defiant… same, same, Syria will never be the same, the regime rooftops are comparing martyr Yousef Al Azme, a Syrian hero to Rajha an Ass-a-dist puppet.


  95. Dearest Annie, the regime looks like a house of card as of today. All those noble Syrians who gave their lives for justice for all, dignity for all, freedom for all..will not go in vain. The torch is passed on in the new Syria..

    On another note, Syrian TV is denying that the army is leaving their posts. They show Assadists shooting in a civilian neighbourhood. Only Assadists can brag about massacring innocent civilians. No grace no shame.


  96. No grace, no shame for all those exposed, from individuals to nations, not only Assadists.


  97. A glorious morning, not because these traitors died, oh!-Turkmani has died according to al Manar TV, as well, but knowing that those no oh Hafez Makhlouf without goodbyes dead. I have to leave


  98. The regime prepares for massacres in the capital.
    The massacres and events on the ground in the capital Damascus on Wednesday 18/7/2012 until now


    A unique operation was carried out by the Free Syrian Army today at the National Security Building in Alrawda Square resulting in the killing of senior regime officials. Among those killed were Dawud Rajha, Asef Shawkat, Hasan Turkmani, Mohammad Shaar, and others.

    When news of the killings spread, regime thugs sought revenge and stormed the neighborhoods of Alqadam, Alasali, Almukhayam, and Daf Alshok and attacked with knives and gunfire leading to violent clashes with the Free Syrian Army.

    Shelling continues for the fourth consecutive day on the neighborhoods of Alqaboon, Almidan, Alqadam, Alasali, Jobar, Altadamun, and Alhajr Alaswad. In addition, clashes occured in Baghdad Street in the center of the capital followed by heavy spread of security forces. Security checkpoints have been erected throughout most of the capital in an attempt to separate the neighborhoods from each other, as security is tightened at the entrances to the capital that tie it to the suburbs. There is very little movement in the streets and most shops are closed.

    Furthermore, there are large numbers of displacements as residents flee from the neighborhoods that are being shelled.


    VIdeos from today


    -Damascus: Alqadam: 3 martyrs from the massacre in Alqadam neighborhood 18/7/2012

    -Regime warplanes shell and open fire from machine guns in Alqadam



    -A home burns as a result of violent shelling in Alqaboun neighborhood

    -Aftermath of the destruction in Alqaboun neighborhood as a result of arbitrary shelling 18/7/2012

    -The martyr Mohammad Lutfi, martyred as a result of shelling this morning 18/7/2012



    -Spoils of the Free Syrian Army in Almidan, Damascus 18/7/2012

    -Warplanes in the skies of Almidan today 18/7/2012

    -Aftermath of shelling on homes 18/7/2012

    -Explosions and shelling in Almidan as columns of smoke fill the neighborhood 18/7/2012


    Qabr Atika

    -The martyred hero Mohammad Louay Alhalabi

    -A clip from the funeral procession of Mohammad Louay Alhalabi

    -Funeral procession of the martyr Salah Samer Sawar at Alterozi Mosque 18/7/2012


    -Clouds of black smoke fill the skies of Damascus Wednesday morning 18/7/2012



    -Warplanes fly in the skies of the region



    -Helicopters in the skies of Jobar

    -Assad warplanes fire missiles on Jobar



    -Sounds of intense gunfire and explosions since last night until this morning as smoke fills the area



    -Sounds of clashes and shelling on the neighborhood of Alasali 18/7/2012



    -Displacement of the residents of Barza, Damascus and neighboring regions as a result of the violent shelling



    -Movement is stopped in front of the municipal buildings of Damascus at 12:45 at the time of the call of Noon Prayers. The building is empty from citizens as usual.


    Autostrad Aladwa

    -Destruction of Assad thug bus 18/7/2012



    -Funeral Procession of Mohamad Samer Marashli from Alshaghour


    Nahr Ayshe

    -Clouds of smoke fills the skies as Nahr Ayshe is being shelled


    Alhajr Alaswad: 14 martyrs reported until now as a result of arbitrary shelling from helicopters on homes.


  99. sorry about all the videos; I had forgotten that the addresses show the content. This was from the FB page of Coalition of Free Damascenes For Peaceful Change


  100. الحرية والكرامة لا تعرف دينا ولا هوية .. فليسقط ‎‫ الحرية للشعبين السوري والبحريني

    المجرم لا طائفة له Criminal has no religion.Criminale non ha religione.Penal no tiene religión.Pénale n’a pas de religion


  101. updates from the Guardian

    • UK ‘appalled’ by security council decision
    • Rebels take full control of Azzaz near Turkish border
    • Robert Mood leaves Syria calling for compromise

    • Read the latest summary

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    United Nations Security Council meets about Syria
    Russia votes against a UK drafted resolution at the UN security council. China also voted against. Photograph: Justin Lane/EPA

    4.11pm: The first glimpse of Assad since yesterday’s attack. It appears that he is indeed at his palace in Damascus.

    Ali Hashem علي هاشم @alihashem_tv

    the syrian tv just aired footage of Assad’s meeting with the Defence minister today in the presidential palace #SYRIA #BREAKING
    19 Jul 12

    3.58pm: Adam Gabbatt has been monitoring the UN security council meeting. He writes:

    Russia and China have voted against the UN Security Council’s draft resolution to impose sanctions on Syria, prompting fierce attacks from the UK and France, who accused Russia of buying time “for the Syrian regime to smash the opposition”.

    Both Russia and China have consistently resisted the council’s attempts to introduce sanctions, meaning their veto was no surprise, but the strength of the response from those in favour gave some indication of the frustrations behind the scenes.

    The UK ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, was the first to respond to the vote, telling council members that the UK “is appalled by the decision of Russia and China to veto this draft resolution”.

    “Russia and China are failing in their responsibilities as permanent security council members,” Lyall Grant said, adding that the proposed resolution is supported by almost every group internationally.

    Lyall Grant said the other UN Security Council nations had “offered flexibility on Russia and China’s concerns”, yet the countries “argued that a chapter 7 resolution is somehow designed to seek conflict through the backdoor”.

    “This argument is irrational,” he added.

    The French ambassador, Gérard Araud, was even more criticial, declaring that “‘history will prove [Russia and China] wrong, and it will judge them”.

    “It is now clear that Russia merely wants to win time for the Syrian regime to smash the opposition,” he said.

    3.56pm: “Where is Assad?” (continued):

    “[Assad] is in the presidential palace in Damascus with his staff and is directing the destiny of the country,” said a close aide, to AFP
    19 Jul 12

    3.46pm: Rebel forces are beginning to take control of parts of Damascus as law and order breaks down in the city, an activist based in the eastern Mezze neighbourhood told the Guardian.

    ‘Omar Daimashki’, said he had witnessed three tanks being destroyed by the Free Syria Army in an area that houses eight intelligence buildings.

    Omar, a spokesman for the Revolution Leadership Council of Damascus, said the Free Syrian Army had taken control of the neighbourhoods of Midan and Qaboun. They were also fighting for control of Kafr Souseh and Mezze, he claimed.

    Usually we have policemen in the street. Usually we feel that the regime is here, yesterday and today we don’t feel the regime is here anymore …

    They do not control Midan. There is no security in Midan …

    I saw tanks in Kafr Souseh, very close to the security building – it is the most important intelligence building – and the Free Syrian Army destroyed three tanks around it.

    They were destroyed using RPGs he claimed. One of the tanks was near the Sham central mound close to a security building, another was on Kafr Souseh square, he said. The FSA do not control tanks, but they did seize an armed vehicle, he said.

    Omar said fighting has broken out all over Damascus since midnight, with the fiercest clashes have been in Mezzeh and Kafr Souseh.

    In Kafr Souseh the clashes were very close to the prime minister’s main building, and to the military intelligence buildings. It is a very secure area, but after the explosions in Rawdah [which killed three senior figures], we really feel that we are not facing a regime any more. We are facing some gangs and some murderers.

    Regime supporters took to a street called al-Mezzeh 8 and began attacking people, he claimed. Twelve people were killed in the al-Qassaa area, by “Assad militia snipers”. A funeral of those killed was then attacked by a helicopter.

    We have reporters all over Damascus – some of us are very close to the clashes. I was very close to the clashes and had to change my [location]. All the people in Damascus can hear the clashes.

    But in the the last hour it has been more quiet, he said. All the shops are closed apart from bakeries and grocers Omar claimed – a point made by other activists.

    It is very different [since yesterday’s attack]. We don’t feel there is a regime. The government buildings are empty. We don’t have policemen on the streets. Only a sniper on the roof guards some buildings. There is no movement in the street. The places are empty. In some places the [humanitarian] situation is very bad. We had more than 15,000 emigrate from the neighbourhoods. They left with only their clothes, because the place is under heavy attack by helicopter. They are shooting everything that moves.

    The situation has changed very much, but we feel it is going to our side. Now the weak side is the government side.


  102. Isn’t there another solution ?

    In the present circumstances difficult to set up a tribunal


  103. Did the FSA freed any of the captured from the Assadist’s dungeons, after they take control of any intelligence branch?


  104. S.N.N | شبكة شام

    اللهم يارب العزة، يا جبار السموات والأرض، نسألك بجلال عظمتك في الساعات الأولى من شهرك الفضيل، ألا يطلع علينا هلال الفطر إلا وقد أريتنا فيمن ظلمنا وبغى علينا .. مصيراً رهيباً نخرُّ من هوله لك ساجدينا

    Peace, compassion and forgiveness..Ramadan Kareem to you all.


  105. I am shocked, but not surprised. Never did I doubt the amount of hate and treason this family have for all Syrians.

    Many are talking about an Alawite enclave, it is a thought that I always chose to brush away, every time it crossed my mind. The moment has come, and what I was hoping for did not materialized, still hopeful.

    I asked myself with empathy, all day long, today, will these Syrians, the Alawite community, agree to this evil plan and separate? Do they truly believe this monstrous family is their saviour? Did this family not used them and abused them like any other citizen? Did not 70% of Alawites were against Assad rule? Did he treat them any better? Do they consider themselves citizens or slaves? Will they allow one of their own to control them for another year, month or day? Are they fearful?

    I think the answer to the last question will be a resounding YES, and rightly so!

    But is it not incumbent on their elders, educated, wise men to come forward and distance themselves from this mafia rule?

    They are and have been used for so very long, no doubt, is it not time for them to start anew?

    If they agreed to separate and form an Alawite kingdom were all citizens are subjects of Assad..good riddance and goodbye..

    Personally, I think this scenario of divide and rule might have been a viable one, in the past century, I am not an Alawite, I cannot talk for them, but as a Syrian I can. Their fear is understandable, they are as guilty as we were, they were marginalized in the past, we were marginalized for 42 years… we have to acknowledge our mistakes, first, and admit second, then move forward.

    It is only by understanding our past, that we can move forward. We can no longer afford to leave it to others to do it for us, because no one will, we have to start even if the other side choose to remain silent.

    Son of Damascus posted a link on The Politics of Sectarian Insecurity:
    Alawite ‘Asabiyya and the
    Rise and Decline of the Asad Dynasty
    of Syria

    Click to access GoldsmithLeonT2012PhD.pdf


  106. From Twitter:#Syria #Aleppo,
    اليوم صدحت حنجرة مسحر رمضان بحرية لأن رمضان هذا اليوم يختلف عن غيره
    حيث نادى من قلب حي صلاح الدين

    يا نايم وحّد الدايم
    قوم اصحى انتهى حكم البهايم

    قومو على سحوركن
    النصر برمضان جاي يزوركن

    قومو يا أهلي
    سوريا كلا عم تغلي

    قوم يا حر
    بدنا نسقط هالكر

    قومو لنشيل بشار
    ونقول حكم الظالم طار

    الله أكبر …صلاح الدين محررة….


  107. Syrians are fleeing in different directions.
    We are collectively reaping what one family have been sowing for 42 relentless years.”Assad or we scorch the country.” Chaos and utter destruction.


  108. The despicable are nowhere to be seen, but their mouthpieces inside and outside the country are assuring Syrians, that they are omnipresent even if we cannot see them. Maybe, maybe…they’ve transformed themselves to hidden Imams and one day they will reappear to save humanity from self destruction, resurrect Baathism and liberate the Golan heights. But we want some assurances from the enlightened “forever”, only then we can rest assure that Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated.


  109. Syria embodies the end of colonialism
    July 21, 2012 01:26 AM
    By Rami G. Khouri
    The Daily Star

    The accelerating pace of events inside Syria has raised expectations that Bashar Assad’s regime is on the verge of collapsing, though nobody seems to know when and how this will happen, or how the post-Assad transition will play out. The regime is fatally injured, because it is losing control of strategic patches of territory to the rebels, and it is losing credibility and confidence with those who have supported and served it for decades, especially security agency personnel.

    Everything going on at the U.N. Security Council is now irrelevant, and has been for about a month, for the center of gravity of this political struggle shifted some time ago to military developments inside Syria. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice’s protestations against the Russian and Chinese vetoes of resolutions to pressure Syria are pathetic gibberish, given the much worse track record of the United States in vetoing resolutions that seek to force Israel to comply with international law and morality. The U.S. and Russia at the U.N. are acting like children, with their self-serving hypocrisy and selfishness. We just have to accept that the Security Council does not function when the superpowers shift into infantile mode, and talk nonsense. We should keep our gaze instead on more important things, like developments inside Syria.

    This leads me to conclude that the bigger story that links Syria with the other Arab uprisings and recent Middle Eastern developments is that the will and actions of indigenous Arabs, Iranians and Turks will always have a greater impact than anything done by powers abroad. The striking inability of the Americans, Russians and their assorted allies to shape events in Syria follow similar serial failures in recent decades in their attempts to promote Arab-Israeli peace, democratic transformations, economic trajectories or other such strategic issues.

    Only when local people across the Middle East took matters into their own hands did conditions change, and history resume. The sentiments of ordinary people such as those in Bab al-Hawa, Midan, Deir al-Zor and Deraa are far more significant that the pronouncements of the world’s powers. The sooner we learn this lesson, the better off we will all be.

    The colonial era may finally be drawing to a close.


  110. Jordan hands over Syrian opposition voices and activists back to the regime – an appeal for Omar Alhariri
    Posted: 07/21/2012 by Mary Rizzo in Grassroots Activism, Human Rights, Jordan, People’s Movements / Struggles, Resistance, Syria

    The Jordanian authorities have handed over the activist Omar Aharir into the hands of the Syrian regime, more precisely, back to the secret services, despite the well-known fact that he has been a wanted man for his activities in favour of freedom and that, for this reason, he will be sentenced to death in Syria. Amman will hand over to the regime another 11 activists.

    We are spreading this news as widely as possible so that this shameful action by the Jordanian authorities is stopped, aware as they are, of condemning these young people to certain death, people whose only crime has been that they have asked for the end of the dictatorship. The Jordanian authorities have been contacted and begged to not proceed in this act, but they have not listened. It’s not enough to undergo the abuse of the Syrian regime, now other States are chasing down and handing over for execution those who are demanding freedom for their people?


  111. I honestly speechless and ashamed,,, God damn the daemon who are doing this to his own people, our people, and God damn every supporter who is still backing the child killer.

    An eyewitness from Damascus Suburbs: Today 300 families in Zamalka broke their fast on dry bread and water and nothing more. This is how almost 1500 individuals ate today. In Erbeen, some people haven’t eaten anything since now because there is no food. In Harasta, people are searching for food on the streets. We are now in a tragic situation. We have to act as fast as we can as these regions are considered distressed areas. We need humanitarian support. This is not a rumor or a humanitarian bid, this is real and you can make sure. I wish if someone can reach us, we are living in very difficult situations.


  112. From Rula Amin: “armed men killed Dr. Nabil Zugheib with his family in Damascus, Zugheib was prominent for his work in the Syrian missile program.”


  113. An interesting conversation about “Revenge ad Justice” on Twitter:

    Mohja Kahf ‏@ProfKahf:
    Nonviolence movements in Syria focus on humanitarian relief and spreading “no revenge” message.Released by FreedomDays Jul19:
    View video

    En SyriaTweet in En ‏@SyriaTweetEn:
    @ProfKahf Once you r residing in Syria start your No Revenge campaign. Until then, please leave Syria to Syrians facing death

    Mohja Kahf Mohja Kahf ‏@ProfKahf
    @SyriaTweetEn No. I will not leave Syria to Syrians facing death.

    SyriaTweet in En ‏@SyriaTweetEn:
    @ProfKahf yeah you mean minorities right! but screw the majority because we are pigs huh

    Mohja Kahf Mohja Kahf ‏@ProfKahf
    @SyriaTweetEn Sign from KafrNobl:The difference between revenge & justice is the difference between the regime & the revolution.


  114. يجب نشر هذه الأفكار وتوسيعها بسرعة “من انشق عن النظام فهو آمن” و”من انضم للثورة فهو آمن” و “من دخل مسجداً أو كنيسةً فهو آمن


  115. المجلس العسكري في حلب يعلن النفير العام في المحافظة


  116. A friend posted this on face book

    من مصدر طبي جراحي من اصدقائي :
    الدكتور اللواء نبيل زغيب لم يقتل بيد مسلحين في باب توما
    بل قتل بيد حاجز المخابرات الجوية في مساكن برزة قريبا من نادي الضباط حيث انه لم يقف على الحاجز فاطلقوا النار على السيارة بشدة لانهم كانو يلاحقون 4 عناصر من الجيش الحر بنفس المكان وقد رشوا السيارة بالكامل
    وجلس العنصر يبكي امام المقدم لانه قتل اللواء دون قصد
    واسعف اللواء وعائلته الى مشفى ابن النفيس
    وكل ماذكر عن استهدافه بباب توما كذب تماما
    وكل اهل باب توما يعرفون انه لم يحدث فيها اي اشتباك

    The source is the emergency doctor who treated the engineer general.


  117. From face book, Rami Jarrah · ·

    ‎#Syria – This is it, the most decisive moment in the uprising yet. what I am about to say is not to reflect my role in the revolution but rather to justify what i am about to do. I was there on the 18th of march in Ommayyad mosque when thousands stood in a joint call for Freedom and Democracy, I watched our beautiful people break the barriers of fear that had engulfed their lives for years, the power of the people coming together this was the most beautiful moment in my life. I can still smell the atmosphere as i type this message.

    I joined the ground committees that had been formed and sole goal was a peaceful transition to equality and justice,

    we worked endlessly day and night only to try and make a presence in one location all of us together but this was a task that the Syrian regime made sure was not a possibility.

    I looked up to the people of Daraa when they stood together with such boldness,

    I was inspired when the Homsi’s took over freedom square,

    I laughed when Qashoosh sang “irhal ya bashar”

    I knelt to the people of Hama when Assi square witnessed their their scream,

    I cried when our Palestinian brothers joined us and endured our pain

    I fell in love with this revolution because it represented me, it spoke on my behalf, if i were to go back in time i would not change anything.

    after much sacrifice from the Syrian people and the ongoing insult to their aspirations from the Syrian regime and no less the international community I think its easy to say that the only support we have had the privilege of was the solidarity of the people of this world.

    our revolution has been polluted & distorted, Yes there is an armed resistance, yes we did not wish for it, yes we had dreams of understanding and coming together and yes we understand the meaning of peaceful uprising. But we are humans, we have feelings, we have families, we have memories that we will not allow anyone to take from us, we have our dignity and so we are sucked in by violence.

    This is our decisive moment where we choose our fate, where we decide if this revolution still represents us or not and I say this is still the beautiful moment it was all those months ago. It is our duty to preserve it and for my contribution towards doing just that I wish to fight along side my countrymen. I can not sit here and speculate whether they are positive or not but I can be a positive and be with them.

    The future of Syria is in our hands.


  118. so very good to have a word from you OTW, and what your friend posted more than interesting — there is so much “trash talk” going around: the FSA did it; the Mossad did it etc…


  119. In French — Le Monde’s great reporter Florence Aubenas, now in Aleppo

    A Alep, en Syrie : “Mais c’est la révolution !”

    LE MONDE | 23.07.2012 à 11h20 • Mis à jour le 23.07.2012 à 12h07

    Par Florence Aubenas, à Alep (Syrie), envoyée spéciale
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    Dans le quartier de Sarul, à Alep, le 22 juillet, les combattants de l’Armée syrienne libre installent des barrages.

    Sur la voie rapide, qui contourne le centre-ville d’Alep, le trafic ressemble à celui de tous les jours, un embarras de voiture, de bus, de camion et d’une infinie variété de véhicules transportant tout ce qui peut l’être, humains, biens ou bêtes. Comme d’habitude aussi, les sept soldats de l’armée de Bachar Al-Assad montent la garde, là-bas au bout du pont. A 100 m de là – peut-être même moins –, un camion commence par se mettre en travers, bouchant à moitié la chaussée. D’abord, ça klaxonne. Ça peste contre l’embouteillage. Puis, un peu plus bas, c’est un autre camion – bleu cette fois avec des rayures dorées tout le long du pare-brise – qui provoque un nouveau bouchon. “Mais ce n’est pas un embouteillage, c’est la révolution !”, s’exclame soudain le conducteur d’un minibus.

    Dimanche 22 juillet, l’Armée syrienne libre (ASL) a lancé une nouvelle opération, qui l’implante un peu plus dans la ville d’Alep, la deuxième de Syrie. C’est peu dire que la bataille est cruciale pour le régime du président Bachar Al-Assad.

    Dans les campagnes alentours, déjà tenues par l’ASL, chaque village s’est mobilisé pour envoyer à Alep des combattants pris sur ses propres troupes. Samedi, à minuit, un chef militaire et un religieux dispensent leurs conseils au dernier convoi qui démarre : “Ne faites pas de mal aux femmes, ne coupez pas les arbres, n’attaquez ni les civils ni les supermarchés. N’essayez pas de récupérer les armes tout de suite : combattez d’abord.” Autour, les enfants font une haie d’honneur, éblouis, tellement transis d’admiration qu’ils n’osent plus approcher ces hommes, qui, il y a quelques instants encore, étaient leur père, leur frère ou leur cousin.

    Alep est à moins de 20 km mais on roule pendant plus d’une heure dans la nuit pour y entrer, convoi fragile de combattants, tout juste munis de quelques pauvres armes antichars et rien contre les hélicoptères. La révolution – comme l’appellent ici ses partisans – n’est pas de celles qui se racontent dans les livres d’histoires, du moins jusqu’ici. Rien de spectaculaire ou d’éclatant : ni prise de la Bastille ni déferlement populaire qui submergerait la ville. Elle avance à petits pas, en claquettes et tee-shirt, façon camouflage troué, de succès modestes en débandades cuisantes, portée par la certitude inébranlable en sa victoire.


    A Alep, les troupes sont dirigées vers une école de la ville et, entre les fresques de Mickey Mouse ou Bob l’Eponge, on mange, on dort, on meurt. Devant la porte, défile de temps en temps des groupes d’hommes qui scandent “Allah akbar!” et puis s’en vont. “On le fait pour saluer notre armée et aussi parce qu’on avait jamais osé crier cela en public auparavant”, dit l’un. Et un autre : “C’est la première fois que je sors dans la rue sans qu’on me tire dessus.” Le quartier musulman sunnite, comme la majorité du pays, s’est soudé autour de l’ASL.

    A vrai dire, les événements actuels échappent difficilement à l’univers obsessionnel des rivalités religieuses et sociales dans lesquelles se débat la Syrie. Un exemple, même tout petit ? Avec l’arrivée récente des soldats de l’ASL dans l’école, le commissariat de la zone s’est divisé en deux : d’un côté, les cinq policiers sunnites ont rallié l’ASL tandis que les quarante autres se sont barricadés dans les locaux, jurant d’en découdre. Ceux-là, en revanche, appartiennent à la minorité alaouite, accusée de se partager les meilleurs postes du pays.

    Dimanche, au fil de la journée, le campement de l’ASL devient un point de ralliement. Une femme avec son enfant vient demander justice au commandant : son mari l’a chassée alors que c’est elle qui gagne tout l’argent de la famille. Quand on la reconduit, elle s’étonne : “Il faut m’aider. C’est vous les maîtres maintenant.” Et le commandant, soudain très doux : “Il faudra attendre encore un peu.” L’usine de textile, qu’il dirige habituellement, se trouve à moins de 500 m à vol d’oiseau.


    Un homme traverse la cour de l’école, pantalon rouge à la mode, des lunettes de soleil qui dépassent de la poche, mais le visage cabossé et sanglant. Deux soldats le traînent plus qu’ils ne le conduisent. C’est un prisonnier, accusé par la population d’être membre des chabiha, ces hommes de main que le régime paye 15 000 livres syriennes (un peu moins de 200 euros) pour effectuer les plus basses besognes. “Et, en plus, ils ont le droit de piller”, dit quelqu’un. Une quinzaine d’entre eux sont déjà enfermés dans la salle des professeurs, et d’autres sont transférés ici toute la journée.

    Et puis, d’un coup, on court dans tous les sens. Des chars s’avancent vers l’école. Un hélicoptère commence à survoler la zone. Il reste dans les airs des heures durant. On tire. On brûle des pneus, faute de mieux. Là-bas, sur la voie rapide, le check-point du matin et ces deux camions ont été pulvérisés. Dans la débandade, on ramène des blessés, dont une petite fille. Chacun s’attend à une riposte des militaires dans la nuit. Déjà, une équipe se prépare pour aller rétablir le check-point. S’il le faut, ils recommenceront le jour d’après, et le jour d’après…

    Florence Aubenas, à Alep (Syrie), envoyée spéciale
    La Ligue arabe promet une “sortie sûre” à M. Assad

    Dans leur communiqué publié dans la nuit du dimanche 22 au lundi 23 juillet, le comité interministériel de la Ligue arabe chargé du suivi de la crise syrienne, réuni à Doha (Qatar), a appelé le président Bachar Al-Assad à “renoncer au pouvoir”, l’assurant que “la Ligue arabe contribuera à lui assurer et à sa famille une sortie sûre”. Cette initiative, selon le texte, est destinée à “mettre fin à l’effusion du sang”, “préserver l’unité de la Syrie” et “garantir une transition pacifique du pouvoir” dans ce pays, membre de la Ligue arabe. Le comité ministériel sur la Syrie, présidé par le Qatar, regroupe l’Arabie saoudite, le sultanat d’Oman, l’Egypte, le Soudan, l’Algérie, l’Irak et le Koweït. La réunion de Doha a été organisée alors que les combats font rage dans certains quartiers de Damas et d’Alep que les troupes restées loyales au président syrien tentent de reprendre aux rebelles. – (AFP.)

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  120. thanks for posting Florence Aubenas, Annie — she is a personal hero, I am glad she is in Halab.

    Here are 2 new articles from Maysaloon, one personal, and following it, his analysis of the current situation


  121. I posted about Aboud bcz I strongly felt that he is on SC, using another name, turns out I was right. Tbh we will be very enriched if he starts posting on 7ee6an. In my humble opinion, 7ee6an is a completely different space than SC. SC has become a cesspool now, with Assadist subhumans running riot. It is not worthwhile to have some serious discussion regarding the Revolution on SC in d presence of child killers. Which is why I always prefer to discuss revolutionary issues with pro-revolution people on 7eetan. I was very sad to see this blog in a coma, with only 3 people participating. At the very least, people like MGB, Hamster, Aboud, Jarthouma, should participate more. We should also invite like-minded ppl from SC,like Sandro Loewe, Syria Lover, Syr.Expat, Observer. These ppl r great. Believe me there r a lot of serious discussions abt the Thawra, its a tragedy that we are being reduced to having a slanging match with the Shabbiha on SC.,


  122. Just wanting 2 start a discussion, I believe that the fact that the revolution has been so decentralized has been an advantage , but, as we enter a more decisive and bloody phase in the armed conflict, centralisation has become necessary. Especially integration of all FSA units under a Provincial Military Council is imperative. This has been tried with great success in Reef Halab, Deirezzor, and Homs. But Idleb and Hama FSA is still hopelessly divided. The aim of such integration would be to ensure better communication and coordination among FSA groups within a Province. An integrated Council doesn’t mean centralized Command structure. Rather, all the different FSA local chiefs sit on the Council only to coordinate their activities, share arms and intelligence, make sure there isn’t any rivalry and contradiction between the groups. Aleppo province has been a great success story in this regard. Then, all the Provincial Councils can be represented on a National Military Council. All the FSA commanders will have equal say, i.e , nobody will be boss. The increased coordination will make FSA’s job much easier. Now, SNC shld get real serious abt engaging with this National FSA Council. There should be PR advisors who will advise the FSA Nat’l Council on how to maintain good PR. That way, tragedies like the recent FSA looting of Turkish trucks can be avoided. Council decisions will trickle down to the ground. Senior defected Generals can provide an advisory role in the Council, like advising local fighters on advanced tactics. Also the National and Provincial FSA councils will ensure that unwanted elements, like Al Qaeda and foreign fighters are not at all welcome in the FSA and do not have the right to use the FSA name. If any new fighting group or battalion is formed, they should apply for membership in the Provincial Council, which will be granted only after detailed Intel and background checks.. Pls tell wat u think abt my plan ?


  123. Just wanting 2 start a discussion,

    I believe that the fact that the revolution has been so decentralized has been an advantage , but, as we enter a more decisive and bloody phase in the armed conflict, centralisation has become necessary. Especially integration of all FSA units under a Provincial Military Council is imperative. This has been tried with great success in Reef Halab, Deirezzor, and Homs. But Idleb and Hama FSA is still hopelessly divided. The aim of such integration would be to ensure better communication and coordination among FSA groups within a Province. An integrated Council doesn’t mean centralized Command structure. Rather, all the different FSA local chiefs sit on the Council only to coordinate their activities, share arms and intelligence, make sure there isn’t any rivalry and contradiction between the groups.

    Aleppo province has been a great success story in this regard. Then, all the Provincial Councils can be represented on a National Military Council. All the FSA commanders will have equal say, i.e , nobody will be boss. The increased coordination will make FSA’s job much easier. Now, SNC shld get real serious abt engaging with this National FSA Council. There should be PR advisors who will advise the FSA Nat’l Council on how to maintain good PR. That way, tragedies like the recent FSA looting of Turkish trucks can be avoided. Council decisions will trickle down to the ground. Senior defected Generals can provide an advisory role in the Council, like advising local fighters on advanced tactics. Decisions taken on the National Councils will be implemented by the Provincial councils, which in turn will trickle down to the local fighting units. I also think that a shared common pool of funds should be created at the National and Provincial levels and which will be shared equally among all the battallions.

    The National FSA Council will meet at Antakya but it should be made compulsory for it to meet at least once in 2 weeks at a location inside Syria.

    Also the National and Provincial FSA councils will ensure that unwanted elements, like Al Qaeda and foreign fighters are not at all welcome in the FSA and do not have the right to use the FSA name. If any new fighting group or battalion is formed, they should apply for membership in the Provincial Council, which will be granted only after detailed Intel and background checks..

    Pls tell wat u think abt my plan ? I think we should discuss these matters on 7ee6an.


  124. Blog admin can delete my previous comment at July 23, 19 : 39 – it contains pretty much the same thing but I thought I would add some, since this blog doesn;t have the edit function.


  125. Florence Aubenas in Aleppo today:

    A Alep : “Ce matin, quand on a ouvert les yeux, l’ASL était partout”

    LE MONDE | 24.07.2012 à 10h55 • Mis à jour le 24.07.2012 à 11h39

    Par Florence Aubenas, envoyée spéciale à Alep (Syrie)
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    Un combattant de l’ASL montre un char de l’armée syrienne détruit, dans les rues d’Alep, le 23 juillet.

    “Ce n’est pas la chute d’Alep mais le début”, annonce Abdallah, un des commandants de l’Armée syrienne libre (ASL), mardi 24 juillet au matin. La veille encore, remonter une rue ressemblait à une opération commando pour sa troupe de trente rebelles.

    Maintenant, des pans entiers de la cité sont tombés sous le contrôle des différentes brigades de l’ASL, des check-points sont dressés à quinze minutes du centre historique et des combats de rue ont lieu notamment dans le quartier de Bab Al-Hadid, dans la vieille ville. Ce revers pour l’armée du président Bachar Al-Assad dans la deuxième ville du pays paraît pour la première fois faire basculer la situation en faveur de la rébellion.

    Lundi et toute la nuit, les événements se sont enchaînés de manière confuse sans que personne n’ait une vision d’ensemble claire depuis l’entrée, samedi soir, des rebelles en ville. Toutefois, il est rapidement apparu que les renforts militaires envoyés par le régime n’auraient pas l’impact annoncé.

    Deux hélicoptères ont été abattus, deux chars détruits. Un troisième a été capturé avec son chauffeur. Il trône maintenant devant l’école du centre-ville, où une partie des troupes rebelles a installé son QG. Comme au champ de foire, tout le quartier s’y succède pour poser à la place du tireur et chacun se prend en photo. Dans la nuit, quatre véhicules sur quatorze du convoi de l’armée régulière étaient à leur tour détruits dans une embuscade.


    “Le soir, on a fermé les yeux. Quand on les a rouverts, l’ASL était partout”, explique, mardi, vers 9 h 30, un étudiant. Cette rapidité du mouvement a pris tout le monde de court. Dans les rues, les visages sont intrigués, inquiets, personne ne sait trop à quoi s’en tenir. Il faut se trouver dans certains quartiers acquis à la cause de la “révolution” pour que l’on se réjouisse ouvertement.

    Des groupes de gens se rassemblent, crient : “Allah akbar !” Des échanges de tirs les interrompent. On se met à l’abri dans les rues alentours. On appelle au téléphone des voisins à cent mètres de là. Ici, on ne sait pas ce qui se passe à l’autre coin de la rue. Alors, à Damas ? “Personne n’est au courant. On s’occupe d’abord de se libérer nous-mêmes, déclare un habitant d’Alep. Pour la suite, cela viendra tout seul.”

    Florence Aubenas, envoyée spéciale à Alep (Syrie)


  126. Antoine
    thanks for the post. No need to delete any post, if you don’t mind.
    Aleppo is in great pain tonight. Air bombardment using fixed wing planes not only helicopters.


  127. “No government in the world kills its people, unless it’s led by a crazy person” said Syria’s Ugly Duckling.


  128. Alawites in the Syrian Revolution علويون في الثورة السورية

    Syrian screenwriter Fouad Hmeira’s July 23, 2012, appeal to Alawites:

    To my brothers, maternal uncles and aunts, paternal uncles and their children, maternal cousins of my children, my family and my kin; to the sons and daughters of my honorable Alawite community,

    I admit that I hesitated much before writing this appeal to you. I know well how rigid with fear and disturbed you are now. I am certain that some of your reactions come from breasts full of turmoil and unease and, often, misunderstanding. This does not stop me. If I will reap insults from you, they are nothing next to the blood that Alawites have lost. I expect and brace for all manner of response. My brothers and sisters:

    I call upon you in all sincerity—and I am one of you, whether you will or not— to take a two-minute break to think about the fate toward which this nation hurtles, and our community with it as part of this nation.

    A quick survey of our impoverished geographical heartland shows that for 42 years, this regime has not built one important factory in our villages, not even in the downtowns of our cities, so that our sons and daughters can work in it, not even a carpet weaving workshop. Why? Because the regime tries its best to make the zenith of our existence ransomed to work in the state security and intelligence agencies, the military, and the regime-organized thuggery industry [shabiha], in order to use us for its defense whenever it needs us.

    The regime never once thinks that its own actions can defend it, but rather relies on the sect. Consider that 13% (although my source for this number is not totally reliable) of the sons of our community work as drivers, bodyguards, and entourage members. Asaad’s dog enjoys air conditioning inside the house in summer, and heating in winter, whereas our children stand outside the house in the cold and the heat, to protect him and his dog.

    The community includes many educated people, but what I say applies to those who have not been able to attain an education. Some of them resort to selling cigarettes in the street, and others to service work wherein they are humiliated for earning their morsel of bread. The rest turn into bodyguards and paid regime thugs. Your poverty is a deliberate and planned regime policy. All Syrians know how impoverished you are, how simple and modest your level of livelihood.

    My brothers and sisters, do not let certain rumors and leaks strike fear in you. Some of these are deliberately circulated to reach you, and some are not. Some of what you see about extremism you must not allow to worry you. Extremism has no religion; we have extremists in our sect, as do Christians, as do even the most refined capitals in the world; even the Sikhs and Hindus have them (who killed Indira Gandhi?).

    The Syrian people as a whole reaches out its hand to you, appealing for rapport, love, empathy, from you. All the sects of our people call out to you with the shared bond of one people, “do not fear.” This population embraces you, is your mother and father; not one family now would sacrifice you as a community on the altar of its desire for power.

    No one is giving you an ultimatum, that you must join the revolution or be annihilated genocidally. Your stance is yours to take freely and by choice. But what is asked of you is that you at least pull back to neutrality, for that is “the weakest of faith.” The people would accept from you even this minimum.

    It behooves those who carry arms among us to sit with those who carry arms on the other side, and to give financially in every way. All that is requisite for national sovereignty and for living in a united Syria together is still present and we are capable of it. Try to dialogue with the Other. Try.

    Disclaimer: My words are directed at those in the Alawite community who have stuck to their positions. Everyone knows that numerous Alawites already contribute to the revolution in all its activities, from relief work to armed struggle and beyond.

    This is a crossroads historical moment in the history of the sect and the history of Syria for all time to come. Do not squander it for your illusions and your fear of your partners in this nation. This fear of your own brothers and sisters is but planted by the regime in your hearts. Let us sit all together at the dialogue table, without the regime and without the government’s institutions. Let us come together as neighborhood groups, as civic associations, joining to reconcile, and to stop the spilling of Syrian blood.

    I am not making this appeal in order to boast or to jostle for favor, as some charge. Although I eschew bigotry, a person by human nature cannot help but lean toward his own kindred. This is whence my call to you springs.

    Can I say?–I weep for you, and at you, and in frustration about you.

    Imam Ali, may God honor his countenance, says, “Who is ignorant of a thing, fights it.” I see no words more honorable than these with which to conclude what I have to say to you. Peace be upon you and the mercy of God and His blessings. Ramadan blessings, and may Syria be well every year.

    Your son,
    Fuad Hmeira


  129. Reponse to Tareq Ali: What is really happening in Syria?

    “TARIQ ALI says we are witnessing in Syria a new form of re-colonisation by the West, like we have already seen in Iraq and in Libya.


    \No Mr Tareq Ali the Syrian people does not want to discuss and negotiate with a regime that has been oppressing the Syrian people for the past 40 years, that has killed more than 15000 martyrs since the beginning of the revolution, imprisoned and tortured tens of thousands, that has shelled and destroyed cities, villages and Palestinian refugee camps, implemented neo liberal policies that has impoverished a society as a whole while the close family of the dictator Assad ( Rami Makhlouf) accumulated in the same period 60% of Syria’s wealth, that has abandoned and announced the loss of the Golan 11 hours before the first Israeli soldier set a feat in the city of Quneitra, that has not shot a single bullet to liberate the occupied Golan since 1973, that has entered in peace negotiations with Israel on numerous occasions, that has collaborated and served western imperialist regime in the region to crush the Palestinian movement and the left in Lebanon in the seventies and in many other cases (Jordan 1970, black September, Iraqi war in 1991, and 2003 see

    The Syrian revolution is part of the revolutionary process taking place in the Arab world, and should not be separated. The Syrian people are struggling like Egyptians, Tunisians, Bahrainis and other democrats, socialists and anti-imperialists in the region.

    No Mr Tareq Ali, it is not in the interests of the Syrian people to discuss and negotiate with this regime. And Tareq Ali should be reminded as well of the wise words of the French revolutionary St Just who said that those who make half of a revolution gig their own grave.

    The solution is to overthrow the regime and transfer of power to the people of Syria!

    Because as written by the French revolutionary Robespierre: “when the government violates the right of the people, insurrection is for the people the most sacred and the most indispensable of its duties!”

    Victory to the Syrian Revolution, No to Foreign Intervention, and Power to the people!


  130. In one of her tweets, Rana Kabbani noted: Western commentators on Syria seem concerned with 3 things only: minorities, abuse committed by revolutionaries, and chemical weapons.

    Christians of Damascus refused an offer by the regime “Insecurity Forces” to arm themselves: We will not fight against any of the components of the Syrian people!

    مسيحيو دمشق يرفضون السلاح من أجهزة النظام لن نقاتل ضد أي من مكوّنات الشعب السوري

    After all, the slogan that was chanted at the beginning of the uprising, ” One, one, one, the Syrian people are one” is as genuine as the Syrian Revolution….


  131. Rami Jarrah ‏@AlexanderPageSY

    “IMPORTANT VIDEO: defected officer makes statement to battalions of #Aleppo this officer could play a role model…” absolutely..


  132. Florence Aubenas in Aleppo 3rd article

    Alep se prépare à la riposte du régime de Damas

    LE MONDE | 25.07.2012 à 11h31 • Mis à jour le 25.07.2012 à 12h31

    Par Florence Aubenas, envoyée spéciale à Alep (Syrie)
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    Il y a des rues à Alep, ce mardi 24 juillet, où Abdallah, commandant de l’Armée syrienne libre (ASL), boit et mange tout ce que les voisins lui offrent. Ce n’est pas grand-chose, du pain trempé de concentré de tomates ou de l’eau glacé, mais on sort des chaises en plastique sur le pas de la porte, on trouve le temps de plaisanter entre deux alertes. Soudain, un grand type – jusqu’alors connu comme un honorable garagiste du quartier – décide de rejoindre les insurgés, à l’instant même. Il file chez lui à toute allure, revient aussitôt, toujours avec les mêmes mocassins beiges pointus mais aussi avec deux ceintures de munitions sanglées par-dessus son débardeur et, à la main, un fusil à tirer les lapins auquel il a fixé un couteau de cuisine autour du canon.

    Des habitants restés à Alep observent les combats opposant l’Armée syrienne libre aux tireurs embusqués fidèles au régime de Bachar Al-Assad, le 24 juillet.

    Ces quartiers-là sont ceux où les insurgés sont accueilllis en vainqueurs. Il y a aussi des rues d’une autre sorte. Mardi 24 juillet, aux abords de l’immeuble central de la police, qu’encercle un groupe de l’ASL, le commandant Abdallah refuse l’eau qu’on lui tend. Il n’a pas confiance. Quelqu’un aurait pu mettre du poison dedans. Il est très sérieux : “Ça arrive ici.” Autour de lui, se forme une foule aux visages impassibles. Dans un soupir de reproche, une voix glisse : “Avant, c’était la paix. On vivait tranquillement.” Aux journalistes, les questions se font un peu trop précises : “Est-ce que vous avez un visa officiel pour circuler ?” Un petit gros s’est placé dans la foule, maniant un bâton avec des gestes d’habitué.

    Ailleurs, les tirs reprennent à un carrefour. Alors que chacun cherche un abri, un homme en djellabah claque ostensiblement sa porte à tous les étrangers du quartier. Geste d’excuse d’un voisin, qui n’ouvre pas davantage sa maison : “la peur”, explique-t-il. En quelques pâtés de maison, on a soudain changé de monde et la Syrie se met de nouveau à ressembler à l’image qu’en ont tracée, pendant plus de quarante ans, ceux qui ont approché le régime.


    Mardi, dans la nuit, le sort d’Alep, la deuxième ville du pays, restait toujours incertain, même si les rebelles enserrent toujours davantage le centre historique, s’emparant des portes autour des remparts, les unes après les autres. C’est un de ces moments confus, entre chiens et loups. Le quartier général de la police est encerclé et des voitures trop belles et trop voyantes pour être celles de simples citoyens, quittent précipitamment la ville. Les administrations se vident. Ville riche, tenue par quelques grandes familles, Alep a été jusque-là une des places les moins remuantes de Syrie.

    Aujourd’hui, ses premiers vacillements mettent pour la première fois le gouvernement de Damas en réelle difficulté. En même temps, des bruits insistants annoncent une contre-offensive d’envergure de l’armée régulière et des avions de combat ont bombardé la ville mardi soir, ce qui n’était jamais arrivé jusque-là. Depuis dimanche, où les forces rebelles sont arrivées en nombre dans Alep, les combats se déroulent de la même façon, pour l’instant. D’un côté, les soldats de l’armée régulière ne mettent jamais pied à terre, où ils ne tiennent aucune position réelle : ils livrent exclusivement bataille à bord de chars ou par des bombardements aériens. Du coup, les rebelles – qui n’ont pour se déplacer que leurs jambes et quelques minibus siglés parfois des grands hôtels de la cité historique – gagnent rapidement du terrain, se répandant en ville comme de l’eau.

    Les seuls à leur livrer bataille, rue par rue, tirant une journée entière pour le contrôle d’un rond-point, sont les âmes damnées du régime, les chabiha. Apparus avec la “révolution” – comme l’appelle ici ses partisans –, ils devaient être l’arme absolue pour la combattre, plus effrayants que l’effrayante Syrie elle-même. “Puisque les Syriens ne craignaient plus de descendre dans la rue, leur mission était de nourrir encore la peur”, explique un ingénieur. “Voler, tuer, ils pouvaient, ou plutôt ils avaient l’ordre de tout.” En quelques mois, ils ont constitué une sorte de milice, imposant un maillage étroit sur les quartiers. Ce sont eux qui ont attaqué les manifestations, tirant sur la foule, rossant les gens, pillant les magasins en plein jour. Eux encore qui sont entrés dans les maisons, exécutant sans autre procès et avec mille cruautés, les habitants suspectés de sympathie avec les forces rebelles.


    Dans le quartier de Bab Al-Haddid, mardi matin, un groupe rebelle vient de prendre position quand deux personnes leur indiquent discrètement une fenêtre dans une ruelle. Ils disent un seul mot, “chabiha”, sans même arriver à le prononcer à haute voix et c’est toute la terreur de la Syrie qu’on entend soudain dans ce murmure. Complètement lâché par le régime, seul avec son stock de munitions, le chabiha de la ruelle n’a plus rien à perdre. Il envoie sa première rafale. Les gens se cachent, courant, prêts à s’écraser les uns les autres.

    En revanche, quand apparaît plus tard un hélicoptère de combat qui commence à tirer, on s’abrite mais sans impatience, traînant exprès pour montrer qu’on ne craint rien et répondant aux balles par des “Allah ouakbar”. Autour de l’immeuble de la police, le combat reprend. Le commandant Abdallah, de l’Armée syrienne libre, a allumé une cigarette. Il sort sa propre bouteille d’eau de son sac, refusant celle qu’on lui tend. “Poison”, pense-t-il à nouveau. Deux nouveaux tireurs ont été signalés, il repart, longeant les maisons pour rester à couvert. Un quart d’heure plus tard, un téléphone sonne. Abdallah vient d’être blessé.

    Voir le reportage du photographe Laurent Van der Stockt Ce n’est pas la chute d’Alep, mais le début

    Florence Aubenas, envoyée spéciale à Alep (Syrie)


  133. Have just seen a BBC report with horrific videos and pictures of the aftermath of the Assadist Militias’ campaigns against the revolutionaries in several Damascus suburbs showing dead fighters from clear point-blank executions. Thousands of regime thugs are converging on 7alab as well and I have grave fears for the revolutionaries there. The criminal regime is cleverly timing its moves to coincide with the start of the Olympics when it will commit its crimes while the world’s eyes are diverted.


  134. True, my pleasure?

    A Damascene citizen writes about Tlass jr. Anything with jr. sends shivers down my spine, including Bush Jr. brrrrrrrr, no more Jrs.

    عن مناف طلاس

    تلوح في الأفق بوادر “طبخة” غربية روسية تقول بامكانية جعل مناف طلاس واجهة لمرحلة انتقالية بسورية باعتباره شخصية مقبولة لدى الروس !! و لكن ألم يسألوا الشارع السوري عن شعوره تجاه هذا الرأي المقيت خاصة و أن الشعب السوري بعد الثورة هو صاحب الكلمة الفصل !!! ..لماذا لا نقبل بمناف طلاس ؟
    أولا اني من هنا و من قلب دمشق أؤكد ما ذكرنه وسائل الاعلام بأن مناف طلاس قائد لواء في الحرس الجمهوري مسؤول عن الحملة العسكرية الأمنية على منطقة دوما بغوطة دمشق الشرقية أوائل أيام الثورة و ذلك لأن أحد أقربائي و لن أذكر اسمه كان ضمن اللجنة المنتدبة لأهالي دوما ” الكباريه ” للقاء مناف طلاس شخصيا في أحد بساتين الغوطة الشرقية و جرى حديث وقتها استمر لأكثر من ساعتين و مفاوضات طلب من خلالها الأعضاء بسحب جميع المظاهر العسكرية من الغوطة و بالسماح للأهالي بتشييع شهدائهم و تلبية بشار الأسد لمطالب الأهالي المتمثلة بالاصلاح و اطلاق معتقلين مظاهرة ( 24 أذار )و بسماع شكواهم عن سوء معاملة و تعذيب الأطفال الذين اعتقلوا و غيرها من المطالب و للأمانة حدثّنا قريبي وقتها عن اصغاء مناف طلاس و قبوله بتلك المطالب و بتعهده أن يوصلها للرئيس شخصياً ما عدا أنه ناقش في قصة سحب اللواء من دوما دونما موافقة منه على هذا الطلب بل أصر على ضرورة ابقاءه خشية ” المسلحين على حد قوله ” و هو ما تم بالفعل و قد استمر هذا اللواء المجرم بارتكاب أبشع الجرائم و قتل المتظاهرين مرة تلو المرة عدا عن الحصار الخانق للغوطة الشرقية كاملة ( من دوما الى جوبر ) في أواسط شهر نيسان 2011 و أواخر شهر تشرين الثاني 2011 . ثانياً لنفترض جدلا بأن كلامي أعلاه ليس صحيح و انما محض افتراء , أبالله عليكم أتقبلون من كان أباه السفاح المجرم مصطفى طلاس ليقود المرحلة الانتقالية ؟!!! ان الشعب السوري العظيم بشكل عام و أهل حماه بشكل خاص يعلمون من هو هذا الجزار الذي افتخر بلسانه في أحد كتبه المطبوعة و ضاحكا بلقاء له على قناة روسيا اليوم , بأنه كان يوقع مئات أوامر الاعدمات الميدانية كل يوم أثناء أحداث الثمانينات المؤلمة بل انه كان القائد الميداني لعملية تمكين حكم حافظ الأسد ضد أخيه رفعت , أتقبلون ؟!! أبالله عليكم ؟!!! كيف يمكننا أن نؤمن لابن الجزار أن يقود المرحلة الانتقالية ؟ !! هل سوريا ستسير بخطى واثقة نحو الأمان و الازدهار الذي ننشده ؟!! ثم كيف لنا أن نقبل بشخصية عسكرية تكون رقيبة علينا و نحن الذين قمنا و ثرنا و قاتلنا و اعتقلنا من أجل اقامة النظام المدني حيث لا سلطة للعسكر على الحكم بعد الآن … نحن و اذ في معرض حديثنا لا نقبل بمناف طلاس للمرحلة الانتقالية , نؤكد في الوقت ذاته ترحيبنا بهذا الانشقاق و ان كان متأخراً جداً ما عدا أن تصريحه بذلك أخد وقت كبيراً و رائحة ” الطبخة ” الفرنسية ما زالت تحوم حول ذلك الانشقاق و شكرا .

    مواطن دمشقي من قلب دمشق


  135. By Haroon Siddiqui

    A Jesuit priest thrown out of Syria for criticizing Bashar Assad’s brutal crackdown on pro-democracy forces is visiting North America and will be in Toronto Thursday and Friday. He’s bringing a message for fellow Christians and others: It’s un-Christian and immoral to be fretting only or mostly about the possible plight of the Christian minority in post-Assad Syria, while doing little to save the overwhelming majority of Syrians being massacred by the Assad regime.

    Rev. Paolo Dall’Oglio says the regime is “ethnic cleansing” those who oppose it, and is sowing sectarian divisions much the same way Slobodan Milosevic did in Bosnia in the 1990s.

    Father Paolo met Foreign Minister John Baird in Ottawa Wednesday, along with the Canadian members of the Syrian National Council, the umbrella opposition group.

    Here are the details of his program in Toronto:

    Friday: 11 a.m.: Mosaic Institute.

    7 p.m.: Noor Centre.

    Saturday, 6.30 p.m.: South Common Community Centre, South Millway, Mississauga (416-839-0766)–christian-priest-bears-witness-to-syrian-bloodbath


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